Atal Bihari Vajpayee - A Capricorn


Atal Bihari Vajpaye celebrity astrology
Profession - Former Prime Minister of India.
Date of Birth - 25th December, 1924
Place of Birth - Gwalior, India.
Chinese Sign - Mouse
Feng Shui Element - Wood

Astrology Report

12 Mars
Vajpayee Birth Chart
9 Mer, sun, Jupiter
8 Moon, Venus
7 Ascendant, Saturn

Saturn in Ascendant - A remarkable feature of the chart is that the planet of efforts and hardships, Saturn, is occupying the Ascendant house. It indicates that the native has to undergo struggles and hardships during his entire lifetime. It also indicates more comforts or gains during the latter part of the life. Saturn in the Ascendant house also gives the native patience and the mental strength to rule the entire sub-continent.

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