Madonna - A Leo


Madonna celebroty astrology
Profession - Pop Music
Date of Birth - 16th August, 1968
Place of Birth - Bay City, Michigan, USA.
Chinese Sign - Monkey
Feng Shui Element - Earth

Astro- Report

Madonna Louise Ciccone burst onto the world music stage in 1984 with Lucky Star and has remained at the forefront of popular music ever since.

The Sun in Leo makes Madonna warm and generous, with a flair for dramatisation she positively flourishes when she is centre stage.

Madonna dislikes authority and being ignored, and needs to learn to soften her pride and accept criticism.

Madonna has the strongest creative urge of all the Sun signs, and this must be expressed either practically or artistically (such as painting, composing music, writing or acting). She is full of vitality and will be frustrated and unhappy if unable to express her creativity.

Three planets in Leo indicates a radiant and steady personality, which is more often than not focused on herself. Three planets in Virgo heightens Madonna's critical side and she tends to frequently feel frustrated.

Four planets in Madonna's 12th House indicates either that she needs to take a journey of self-discovery or, if she has already done so, that she will experience great achievement or fulfillment in her life.

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