Anna Kournikova - A Gemini


Anna Kournikova celebrity astrology
Profession - Tennis Player
Date of Birth - 7th June, 1981
Place of Birth - Moscow, Russia.
Chinese Sign - Hen
Feng Shui Element - Mettle

Astro - Report

The Sun in Gemini indicates that Anna is alert and communicative. Thriving on variety and novelty, she resents mental drudgery. Anna needs to learn the value of commitment. She tends to have a very quick intellect fired by curiosity and a rational mind, and her strong sense of logic enables her to grasp the elements of a situation or subject quickly.

Anna will not tolerate a dull partner, however attractive, for long.

The Mercury-Venus conjunction in Cancer is a good aspect for emotional relationships because it encourages a very loving and sympathetic nature; it also suggests empathy with colleagues and friends. Anna has good communication skills and the quick wits of Mercury work well with the emotions of Venus. Venus refines Mercury, creating a finely balanced mind with the ability to weigh all the facts before reaching a decision.

The two giants of the Solar System combine to produce optimism and common sense when Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Libra. Anna has a balanced outlook on life and her enthusiasm is controlled and used in a positive manner.

The Sun-Neptune opposition indicates that Anna may have a fear of taking the plunge, letting go. Perhaps she is hesitant to trust her vision or her dreams, lest they overpower her day-to-day routine. As for relationships, Anna tends to worry about being deceived.

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