Tom Hanks - A Cancer


Tom Hanks celebrity astrology
Profession - Actor
Date of Birth - 9th July, 1956
Place of Birth - Concord, California, USA
Chinese Sign - Monkey
Feng Shui Element - Fire

Astro - Report

The Sun in Cancer makes Tom emotional and intuitive, with a strong sense of personal achievement. He loves familiarity and dislikes confrontation and emotional quagmires .Tom needs to learn to be less touchy. Kindness and caring are strong traits, and his instinct and intuition are sharp.

With a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in his chart, Tom's need to make material progress is very strong, with a near-obsessive enthusiasm to attain his objectives. This strong sense of purpose can be advantageous, provided it is kept under control, but if not, Tom is likely to be ruthless.

He approaches his goals fearlessly and with a strong sense of conviction, seeking improvement through transformational experiences.

The Venus-Mars square suggests that there is a tendency for Tom to be somewhat taciturn and reserved - perhaps a little too prudent. Tom has a fear of letting go that may manifest as an apparent lack of emotion - he doesn't always like what he is feeling, or owning up to it.

Tom has a strong desire for self-gratification and will experience deep resentment if his needs are not met .

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