In the year 2022, for Rishabha Rasi natives, Jupiter or Guru, the planet that rules over wealth and wisdom would be in the 10th house of Aquarius till April, promising good career scope. Then it transits to your 11th house of Pisces which predicts much gains in life. Saturn would be transiting through your 9th house assuring overall prosperity in life and also favors higher studies.Rahu in your 1st house transits to your 12th house in mid-April and Ketu in your 7th house of Scorpio moves to your 6th house of Libra. This might hinder with your health and finances for quite sometime.
It would be a slow start for most Rishabha Rasi natives this year. However as the year progresses there would be goodness. You would excel in your career field. Those into business might feel stiff competition. Expenditure owing to pleasure and comforts are on the cards for the year. Mid-year might bring in unwanted expenses as well. Some Rishabha Rasi natives would find their love ending in marriage these days. There would be a totally new perspective with which you view life. Travel for pleasure most probable. There would be domestic welfare and happiness. Health needs utmost care for the year ahead.
You would kick start the year 2022 with luck on your relationship area. Honesty and commitment would improve your love and personal life. Relationships get strengthened in a positive way all this year. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Communicate your thoughts and wishes and get their opinion as well. All hindrances and misunderstandings would vanish thanks to your effort. Rishabha people who are married might meet with some impediments mid-year. There would be goodness in love and marriage as the year starts, however expect some low moments as the year 2022 unwinds.
Quite a good year awaits Rishabha Rasi folks in the career field. It would be a great time to jump start your professional dreams. In particular new business ventures would take off quite well. Growth and expansion re promised. However there might be occasional minor hindrances here and there. Do not let your personal life mingle with your career these days. It might spoil your reputation and standing in society. Around the year-end be cautious as mistakes made by you might cost you dear. This would be a good time to switch jobs or quit job for starting your own business however small it might be, after you would be standing on your own feet .
As the year starts your financial position would be quite strong. But then unexpected expenses creep in from multiple quarters marring your financial standing. Be cautious and bank on any resources you get. Do not lend nor borrow these days as troubles lurks around. Mid-year would bring in a windfall of finances from multiple quarters. Luck and fortune by way of legacy and marriage likely for the lucky Rishabha Rasi folks. Prosperity and goodness shall befall you. You would be able to support your needs and desires as well these days. High value purchases like a dream home and luxury car can be taken up around the end of the year when your finances go up.
Health of Rishabha Rasi people would be average during the year. Though they would have good health, occasional minor ailments might dwindle their spirits. Your immunity might be compromised, hence go in for good food habits and physical work outs. Be cautious of what you eat and what you do. Mid-year promises good tidings in the health front. Keep yourselves free from stress and strain. Some natives might suffer from limb ailments. Women natives are particularly prone to gyneacological issues. Devote your time and energy towards positive works. Keep yourself mentally fit as well.