Astrological Terms under Letter O

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Obeying signs

- The southern signs opposite the commanding signs.

Obhayachari Yoga

- A planetary combination formed by planets, other than Moon, situated on both sides of Sun. It makes the individual well proportioned, handsome, skilled and effective in many undertakings, full of enthusiasm, tolerant, and balanced in
approach even to complicated problems. Such a person is affluent like a king, enjoys good health and possesses all good things in life.

Occidental & Oriental

- From cusp of tenth house westward to fourth is occidental. The opposite half is oriental. Planets are sometimes described as being occidental or oriental of the Sun. Occidental means setting before the Sun, oriental means rising after the Sun.

Occidental of the sun

- A planet is occidental of the Sun when it rises or sets after the Sun. If you rotate the chart so the Sun is on the Ascendant, planets below the horizon are occidental. The Moon, Mercury, and Venus are accidentally dignified when occidental. The western half of a chart between the M.C. and 4th cusp is called the occidental side of the chart. A planet setting in the west after the sun is also called "vespertine." influence.


- Planets occasionally obscure other planets or stars temporarily. The Moon, transiting a variable orbit, does so frequently. The phenomenon is termed occultation to distinguish it from eclipses. An occultation is equal to a powerful total or partile conjunction.

Occurring Magi Sequence

- This refers to a given day's existing M/Qs or MDXs, and are listed and organized according to the appropriate Magi Sequence.


- A technique of interpreting an aspect by reversing the symbolism of one of the two planets that form the aspect. This is done in Magi Astrology when interpreting a Turbulent Aspect that is also a Historic Aspect.


- The greek word for domicile lord, literally meaning "house steward". The planet that takes care of the affairs of a given house or sign.


- Strength assigned to an exalted planet.


- A generally adverse aspect of 180 degrees, depending on the planets involved.


-The number of degrees by which an aspect may vary from partile (exactness) and remain effective.


-The path a heavenly body follows as it travels around another stellar body.

Orb of a planet

-The orb is measured as the diameter of an imaginary sphere of light surrounding a planet. The light within this sphere is strong enough to form aspects with another planet by mixing with the light surrounding the other planet.


- In astrology, it refers to the eastern half of the cusp of the ascendant. The planets situated immediately before the rising Sun. Such planets possess exceptional strength.

Outer Range Progression

- When the progression "peak" is too far away to really matter - such as a progression that peaks or becomes exact in 500 years.

Out of Bounds

- Planets which are outside the usual north or south measurement of the celestial equator within which planets rest.


- Aspect which, though within orb, is not within the bounds of the aspecting sign.

Outer Planets

- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These planets, the furthest out in our Solar System, are invisible to the naked eye and so were only discovered in modern times, due to the invention of the telescope. They affect us at a very deep, subliminal level and the unconscious, generational effects are only brought to the surface when aspected by the Luminaries or other visible planets.


- Ownership of zodiacal signs and asterisms by different planets.