unlike the other machine-made horoscopes available elsewhere. Our Indian astrology horoscopes provide excellent insights into your personal life for the year 2014.Important area of your life like love, marriage, career, finances and health are dealt with excellently so that you can plan your personal and professional moves for the year 2014 with ease.Wishing you the best that life could offer in 2014!!!.
Mesha Horoscope 2014
The coming year 2014 would be a mixed bag for you. This is because Guru or Jupiter is Retrograde and the bad period of Sani or Saturn called as Kantaka Sani is running for Mesha natives. The first half of the year would be of mixed fortune, the middle part of the year
Rishabha Horoscope 2014
The year 2014 would be a generally favorable year for those born under Rishabha Rashi or Taurus Moon sign. This is due to the presence of Retrograde Jupiter. The first half of the year would be extremely favorable and helpful for you overall. However
Mithuna Horoscope 2014
For Mithuna Rashi born natives, the first half of the year 2014 would pose a series of troubles and trials in life. This is due to the bad position of Retrograde Jupiter or Guru and Sani or Saturn. The effects of the other planets shall give mixed results. However the
Kataka Horoscope 2014
The year 2014 is a generally bad period for natives born under Kataka Rashi or Cancer Moon sign for the first half year period. This is because of the bad position of retrograde Jupiter and Saturn. Life would be much challenging and it would be an uphill task for you to
Simha Horoscope 2014
The year 2014 would be an excellent year for those born under Simha Rasi or Leo Moon sign. This is because of the good placement of Jupiter and Saturn all through the year. The first half of the year would be highly favorable for you and the middle period of
Kanni Horoscope 2014
The start of the year 2014 would be a testing time for you due to the positioning of Retrograde Jupiter, Saturn and even Mars turning Retrograde. Only the second half of the year holds good prospects for you. However the end of the year shall see you in good spirits as
Tula Horoscope 2014
The placements of Guru or Jupiter and Sani or Saturn would give mixed results for Tula Rashi natives in the first half of year 2014. Mars position is likely to bring in unwanted expenditure of all sorts, hence maintain some caution in this year. The second half of the year
Vrischikha Horoscope 2014
The position of Guru or Jupiter and Sani or Saturn for Vrishikha Rashi natives is not much favorable for the first half of 2014. However after June, things shall turn in favor of you thanks to the good placement of Mars for these natives along with the transit of Rahu.
Dhanus Horoscope 2014
The starting of the year 2014 proves to be very lucky and beneficial for Dhanus Rasi natives due to the good positioning of the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Rahu. However there would be mixed results for the second half of the year and the end of the year proves
Makara Horoscope 2014
The year shall begin for you on a sober note for these natives due to the positioning of the planets Jupiter, Saturn , Rahu and Ketu. However after the middle of the year things shall straighten out a bit and you would see much luck and fortune without any asking around
Kumbha Horoscope 2014
The planets Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu are well-placed for Kumbha Rasi natives for the first half of the year 2014. Then it would be a testing period for you. Be prepared to ward off any troubles that might come your way during the second half of 2014. You are
Meena Horoscope 2014
This year shall bring in goodness, strength and cheer in your life. An unusually good number of opportunities shall come your way. You would be able to venture into unknown territories till now un-invented. Your diverse thoughts coupled with major changes shall diversify