The lord of the seventh should be strong and well-aspected. Placed in the first house it can weaken relationship by keeping us focused on ourselves or on our own work in life. In this case, the indicator of relationship remains in the field of the self. The lord of the seventh in the first house is common in the charts of people who don't marry.
In the second house, the seventh lord can cause us to treat relationship as a function of work or livelihood. It also can give income or material advance through relationship. But it can show harm to the partner as it is the eighth house from the seventh.
Placed in the third house, the seventh lord can make us independent and impulsive in relationship. In the fourth, it is usually good for marital harmony and shows a receptive mind. It is particularly good for women. In the fifth, it gives a strong romantic nature and possible love marriage. In the sixth, it can indicate a sickly partner, difficulties in relationship, or some work with the partner.
In the seventh, it is good socially but not necessarily personally and should be judged by its nature. The lord of the seventh in the seventh is good for benefics like the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. It is not good for malefics like the Sun, Mars and Saturn unless they combine with or are strongly aspected by benefics.
The lord of the seventh in the eighth can give health problems through relationship or loss through the partner, sometimes the loss of the partner. In the ninth, it is usually good and shows a spiritual or dharmic connection, or grace through the relationship.
In the tenth, it shows a prominent or powerful partner, with whom one may share one's career or possibly work for. In the eleventh, it shows more than one marriage and strong goals or gains through marriage. In the twelfth, it can indicate secret pleasure or secret sorrow in partnership.