2018 Planetary Influences

The Major Planetary Influences in the year 2018 are listed for all the zodiac signs here. Do you think that theplanetary alignment really has an influence on the people? If yes, then you are right.The planetary transits and other notable astronomical events that take place in the zodiac sky really have a bearing on us mortals living here.

And the effects vary for the natives differently based on their sun signs. This section gives the possible planetary influences that are likely to hold sway in your life for the year 2018 based on your sun signs.


Year 2018 holds great promises for Aries natives to strengthen their resources and improve their creativity. You need to expand given the constraints you are used to. This brings about lots of opportunities for adventure and travel for Aries natives.Take a good foot-hold before you take a leap about this year.


Year 2018 would be bring about stability for Taurus natives owing to the planetary influences for the period. Major changes would be brought about in your life thus giving you a stable footing. How you accept the changes would influence the course of your life for now.


Year 2018 would be a great year for Gemini natives with the planetary positions quite favorable for them. During the year you would be able to overcome the hurdles in your path. This year there would be development in your professional life that is tied to your ability and past experiences.


Year 2018 would help the Cancer personalities to realize their hopes and ambitions in life. There would be many positive changes around you. You would be spiritually growing to a new level this period. Personal and professional life would meet with many breakthroughs through the course of the year ahead.


Leo natives stand to benefit a great deal thanks to the favorable planetary positions in year 2018. You would be bringing about innovativeness in your life and hence challenges would be easier to tread on. The year helps you to prune relationships and help you with a comfy living.


In year 2018, Virgo natives would be able to see success in their personal and professional life if they are more than willing to accept changes. Your analytical mind would come in handy to learn new things and forge new relationships in life like never before. Be prepared to tackle things head-on.


This year, Libra natives would be filled with ideas resulting in expression of the same that would bring name and fame for them. However you are advised to be cautious with your moves. Do realize that only when you put hard work the planets would be rewarding for you this period.


There would be major challenges in your relationship areas during the year 2018. Also much personal changes are also forecast for the same period. Strike a good balance between your personal and professional life if you need to come out unscathed at the end of the year.


Year 2018 would fill the Sagittarius natives with optimism and a sense of well-being and inspire them. You would have your hands full all through the year, with both professional and personal works coming in from all quarters. Partnership deals would bring in good results.


This year, Capricorn natives would be able to grow well in their personal and professional life thanks to the favorable planetary placements. You would be able to earn name, fame and repute by your sheer hard work and determination. Finances might take a beating, hence be cautious in this area all through the year.


During the year 2018, the Aquarius natives would be able to break new ground much against established norms and trends in their society. You might have high goals in life, but now is the time to work on the same to achieve at least the halfway mark by the end of the year.You would be getting rid of old situations.


This year, Pisces guys would able to get rid off of old and redundant attachments in life. They would be able to home their creative skills supported by the planetary influences of the year. You would be able to make this period a good part of your life when you forge with the right people and connections.

2018 Horoscope

2019 Planetary Influences