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Mercury Retrograde 2011 - No planet in the universe can turn retrograde. A retrograde planet is just the result of an optical illusion. All the planets turn around the Sun. Relative from our point of view on Earth, it appears sometimes that a planet will stop and go backwards called the retrograde motion, and then stop again and go forward called the direct motion.

Western Mystery Traditions - refers to the collection of the mystical esoteric knowledge of the western world.

Tropical Year - is the length of time that the Sun, takes to return to the same position along the ecliptic.

Superstitions - folk beliefs. Read on for more on them.

Saturn Return - This signifies a time of transition, from one life-phase to the next and is around 29 years.

Ruling planet - this is a planet that is associated more strongly with a particular sign of the Zodiac .

Ptolemy - A Greek philosopher who propunded the Helicentric theory.

Orbital period - This is the time taken by a planet to go once round the Sun.

Ophiuchus - the 13th zodiac.

Occult - refers to secret or mysterious doctrine which transcend our natural senses.