Gemini Compatibility

Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope 2017

Gemini Compatibility for 2017

As Jupiter transits the 3rd solar house for the first half of year 2017 for Gemini people, you would be having your hands full in the relationship area. A very conducive atmosphere would prevail in your domestic front bringing about compatible relationships. As Jupiter gets into your 4th house for the second half of the year, things would be favourable for a stable and steady in the relationship front.

Saturn in your own house till June 2017 asks for sincere effort and commitment on your part for maintaining compatible relationships in your existing personal circle.

In year 2016, your love life and socializing was at its best. You would have made quite considerable relationships yours for the asking. But now the year 2017 would be asking the Gemini natives to trim down the connections as you cant have your hands full. For compatible relationships to exist, some sort of periodic pruning is called for now and then.

For this year, you are keen on pursuing your relationships with that special one person in your life. Romance and sensuous periods are forecast for the year ahead. Geminis are generally known for loving on a mental level, however you would be doing the same on a more physical aspect for now.

Best and Worst compatibility signs for 2017

Your most compatible signs for 2017:

    Libra, Aquarius,

    Sagittarius, Aries, Leo.

Your least compatible signs for 2017:



Best and Worst love match signs for 2017

Best Gemini Love Match for 2017:


    Aries and Pisces

Worst Gemini Love Match for 2017:


    Aquarius and Virgo.

The single ones among the Gemini people would have many passionate moments. The work environment would be a good place to look out for potential partners. From April 2017, existing relationships would turn out more compatible. Some of you might enter into unconventional and out-of-the box relationships which might look quite compatible for the time being. However make sure that he or she is apt for you to pursue the relationship on a positive note for the long term.

Geminis are known for socializing and this year would be o exception for your social pursuits. New friends, partners might come into your fold. The opposite sex would be more attracted to you as you seem to be pretty compatible with them. Gemini natives would also face quite a compatible atmosphere in the home front with children and elders.

Gemini singles compatibility:

The single Geminis would be very lucky this year. They would be always surrounded by a bunch of well-wishers or crushes who want to get in a relationship with them. Do not hesitate, get going Gemini, you are in for a very compatible relationship as the year progresses on..

Gemini in a relationship compatibility:

The Geminis who are already married or in a relationship, though comfortably placed in a compatible relationship would find the New year brining in conflicting issues and incidents. Some of your partners might not be surprising you and would not be apt for you. A good time to think twice before you lookout for an alternative.

Gemini compatibility:

Gemini guys can look out for compatible love affairs with Aries, Cancer or Pisces natives for the year ahead. These people would bring love, romance and the charm back in your life. However you are advised to stay away from Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius people as they pose potential love-breakers and do not make a compatible partner for the period.

Gemini Love compatibility:

Geminis would enjoy good compatibility in their love life for the year 2017. However they should be alert else partner might stray for another relationship. Natives are advised to pamper their partners as much as possible to keep them connected with you for a compatible life. The middle of the year would provide you with opportunities for a romantic getaway with your love interest.

Gemini Romance compatibility:

The compatibility for romance would be just great form Gemini people in this period, that many would settle down in marriage around the middle of the year. The Gemini youngsters are however advised to stay off from dating and the like and look our for compatible partners who are honest and true. The end of the year might bring in some heart-breaks in your relationships, be ready to tackle them head-on.

Related Links

• Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope 2018