Cancer Compatibility

Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope 2017

Cancer Compatibility for 2017

Jupiter would be entering the solar third house for Cancer natives around the middle of year 2017. This is likely to cause some worries and anxieties on the domestic front clubbed with incompatibility issues with partner.

Saturn’s position in the second half of the year would bring about tangible positive developments in the relationship area of Cancer people. Chiron would be in the solar seventh house for you and this is likely to bring relationship issues out to the fore. This might be a sore on the face of some natives as incompatibility with partner is most probable.

Love, romance, relationships and compatibility would be the strongest passions in your life for year 2017, Cancer natives. Your socializing would reach a new degree with new acquaintances and partners coming into your fold. This would forge new alliances in your personal life with moral, honest and ethical individuals.

Best and Worst compatibility signs for 2017

Your most compatible signs for 2017:

    Pisces, Scorpio,

    Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus.

Your least compatible signs for 2017:



Best and Worst love match signs for 2017

Best Cancer Love Match for 2017:


    Pisces and Sagittarius.

Worst Cancer Love Match for 2017:


    Taurus and Aries.

The single ones among the Cancer natives would get married this year and those married would find new love and romance in their relationship with spouse. Passionate encounters are likely in the professional front as well. Peace and love would bring about compatible relationship with those around. The married one’s would feel that their counter-parts are less discerning and more compatible with them when compared to the past few years. However those looking for a divorce or a second marriage might fid the going tough this year. However they can expect some positive developments after April 2017.

Settling down in a compatible affair with a colleague is the most possible happening for Cancer people in this year. Social or vocational pursuits likely to bring compatible affairs for now. But then beware, too much of socializing might bring complications in relationships. At any point of time, do not give up your individuality to satisfy the needs and desires of your partner. Set up a boundary for a compatible relationship to be there with your partner all through the year. Genuine partners love you even if you do not spare them you or yours. Look out for those people…

Cancer singles compatibility:

Generally Cancer people are known to be shy and find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions to partners. But year 3017 would be an exception. You would have the opportunity to open up with your partner finally.

Cancer in a relationship compatibility:

Cancer guys are highly instinctive and pursue the same. If your gut feelings say that the present relationship is fine then go with that. But then if you feel otherwise then this is the best time to re-examine the same for a change or compatible affair. Pruning in relationship is emphasised for the period.

Cancer compatibility:

Cancer people are suggested union with people born under the sun signs of Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces for the year 2017. These people would be highly supportive and compatible with you all through the year. It is best to avoid Taurus, Aries and Capricorn guys as they are a total mismatch for you this year.

Cancer Love compatibility:

The first half of the year 2017 would be much favorable for love to flourish in the life of Cancer natives. You would have your special partner knocking on your shell. Many of you would be able to move ahead in your relationship on a more compatible note. Emotions would be quite high and you would be able to spend considerable time with your special person this year.

Cancer Romance compatibility:

Much romance and compatibility with partner are on the cards for Cancer guys this year. However natives are advised not to over-indulge and curb bad dating habits that might land them in trouble. The romantically inclined ones might be able to tie the knot around the last quarter of the year 2017 thus settling down in a compatible relationship for life.

Related Links

• Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope 2018