Libra Compatibility

Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope 2017

Libra  Compatibility for 2017

In 2017, Jupiter in the house of Leo for the first half of the year, would bring about compatible relationships in your life. Your personal circle expands with new people and contacts coming into your fold. Then when Jupiter moves over to the house of Virgo, you would be able to view your love life from a new perspective. Do not rush with relationship issues as it might land you in incompatible situations with partner. A slow and stable relationship shall work wonders for the period.

Saturn stays in Gemini till June 2017 and then hops onto the house of Cancer. This would bring about new challenges in your love life. Stay away from pessimistic views and people. Do not let your partner control yourself, do the steering yourself. Some of you Libras need to get rid off incompatible relations or partners who run the show for you during this period.

Chiron in the zodiac house of Capricorn for 2017, brings about some negativity and incompatibility in personal relationships. Better understanding and communication shall do wonders, a good period to forgive and forget.

Love, romance and social issues are life’s essentials for Libra natives. Though social animals, you might lack some warmth and understanding in your relationships. Interacting and expressing your thoughts to your partner would induce compatible relationship with him or her.

Best and Worst compatibility signs for 2017

Your most compatible signs for 2017:

    Aquarius, Gemini,

    Leo, Aries, Sagittarius.

Your least compatible signs for 2017:



Best and Worst love match signs for 2017

Best Libra Love Match for 2017:


    Pisces and Cancer.

Worst Libra Love Match for 2017:


    Aries and Leo.

For the year 2017, you would be cutting a little bit of your socializing that your own personal needs are to be brought to the fore. Your social needs might hamper compatible relations with partner at times. Your mental and emotional needs also need due respect. A tough lesson but you need to let go off this if you need your love relationship to survive on a compatible note.

As your 4th Lord Saturn spends a year or two in your 7th house of relationship, you need to be cautious of your relationships and compatibility with partner. In other words, your opinion about love, partner and relations would take an above-turn now.

The single Libras though they feel that being single is merry, would get married as the year moves on much to their surprise. You would be settling down with a compatible partner who is much older, frugal and serious with life. This partner would be an emotional and moral support for you. Family means a lot for both of you and hence you make sure that a compatibility affair exists between you both.

The partner would be a known close friend or relative for many Libra people that compatibility would come naturally in the relationship due to commitments for the year.

Those already in a marriage would find incompatibility creeping into their relationship this year. Partner might be too controlling and pessimistic. He or she would be very cold, and it is up to you to bring about a sense of warmth and compatibility in the relationship.

The love relationship or marital relationship stands status quo this year for most of you Libra guys. Those aspiring for a second marriage or a divorce would find things moving in a slower pace. However love relationship would be quite enjoyable and compatible for the single ones out there.

Libra singles compatibility:

The single Libra ones are not much romantic and might not have a crush. But the year 2017 would bring a compatible partner in their life that you would become more confident in relationships. If you are in the right mood and good books then this would be the apt time to speak your heart to this special person..

Libra in a relationship compatibility:

For quite sometime now, Libra guys who are in a relationship or married might have given in to the whims and fancies of their partners just to have better compatibility in their lives. But now is the time to voice your opinion and put your feet forward, you need to live your own life, Libra.

Libra compatibility:

Libra natives are advised to get on relationship with natives born under the sun signs of Gemini, Cancer and Pisces as you would be enjoying better bonding with them. But then you are asked to keep away from Aries, Leo and Capricorn natives as forging relationship with them would prove catastrophic for you in 3017.

Libra Love compatibility:

The love life of Libra people would be quite compatible for the year 3017. Stress and miscommunications might bring about moments of incompatibility in your relationship but good support from partners would rope in goodness in the relationship. The second quarter of the year might bring in some hard tests for the compatibility in your love life, Libra, be prepared to handle this.

Libra Romance compatibility:

There would be no dearth for romance and compatibility for Libra guys, but staying away from tying the knot would be one of the best advises for you. Dating, and staying single for the year would bring about the best in your love, romance and emotions. The year-end would be a good time to enter into a commitment of sort else you might spoil your life with totally incompatible partners for life.

Related Links

• Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope 2018