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Findyourfate  .  31 Aug 2023  .  4 mins read   .   564

Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion retrogrades from September 4, 2023 till 31 December, 2023 in the zodiac sign of Taurus.

Facts on this Jupiter Retrograde

  • Jupiter Retrograde starts on 04 September 2023, Mon at 07:39 PM 
  • Jupiter Direct on 31 December 2023, Sun at 08:09 PM
  • Number of Days = 118 Days. 

Natives who have a strong placement of Jupiter in their natal-chart will not be much perturbed by this retrograde phase. However, if it is badly placed or is a malefic in your case then be prepared to handle some turmoil. Those having their natal Jupiter in retrograde would have quite good results for the above period. Avoid any major decisions and starts for the retrograde period of Jupiter. Use the time to complete any unfinished task at hand. All your past actions would yield results now. Be prepared to handle your karma results.

What to expect from Jupiter Retrograde:

  • Money owed to you shall come.
  • Losses would turn into profits around this time.
  • Certain chronic issues get healed now.

What to do during this Jupiter Retrograde

  • Do not believe in any sort of pomp around.
  • Beware of praises coming your way.
  • Avoid arguments and ego clashes.
  • Do not have false hopes on money matters.
  • Do not be overly generous.
  • Have second thoughts before you trust anybody.
  • If you have chronic health issues, be cautious.
  • Be open to get advice from elders and superiors.
  • Have a practical outlook on life.
  • Do introspect occasionally.
  • Go on pilgrimages and spiritual pursuits.
  • Accommodate the views of your partner or spouse.

Effects of Jupiter Retrograde 2023:

Jupiter will be travelling backwards this September 4 th from 15 degrees of Taurus to 5 degrees. Hence if you have any planet positions between 5 and 15 degrees of Taurus in your birth chart you stand to get affected by this retrograde phase.

Also, if you have planet positions between 5 and 15 degrees of Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius then you need to be cautious.

The Most Affected by Jupiter Retrograde

  • Those involved in the teaching profession.
  • People in banking, law and journalism sectors.
  • Those working in the travel industry.
  • Members who have to do with religious practices.
  • If you are into stock trading or any speculative deals.
  • Those rearing cattle and animals for their produce.

Here is a summary of how the zodiac signs would be affected by the Jupiter Retrograde of September 2023.


Jupiter retrogrades in your 2nd house of Taurus. This stands to affect your finances and the way you handle it. Do review your plans and do nor rely on anyone. Take things on your own hands and go with your pace.


This Jupiter retrograde occurs in your sign. This advises you to detach yourself from any sort of materialism that you are into. Resort to some spiritual practices though.


As Jupiter retrogrades in the 12th house of Taurus, Geminis would have an intellectual turmoil. Use this time to expand your social circle and connect to lost friends.


Jupiter would be retrograding in the 11th house of Taurus for Cancer folks. This makes them emotionally strong and confident that they are not that clingy. However there might be issues with friends and gains might be restricted.


Leos would have Jupiter retrograde in their 10th house of profession. This makes them to go slow in their work place. Natives better forge good relationship with peers rather than trying to steal the limelight.


Jupiter is retrograde in the 9th house for Virgo this September, 2023. They would bid adieu to their craving for orderliness. Break free from your limits and open up.


Jupiter retrogrades in the 8th house of Taurus for Libra people. This makes them more confident in life. They can achieve anything that they do now.


This retrograde motion of Jupiter is in the 7th house of relationships for Scorpio folks. Natives are loaded with much energy which ought to be channelled towards positive developments.


During this Jupiter Retrograde, Sagittarius people would have their 6th house affected. Hence they need to be cautious about work and health. However they would be very optimistic about their future now.


With Jupiter retrograde happening in the 5th house for Capricorns, their love pursuits might be affected. This would be a time when they would be faced with challenges however they would come out unscathed.


With Jupiter in retrograde, the 4th house of family welfare would be involved for Aquarius. Their attitude towards life changes and they become more open and resort to service to others.


Pisces natives would see Jupiter retrograde in the 3rd house. This would affect the way they communicate with others and their relationship with siblings. However they would be adept in sharing their thoughts and getting good advise from others.

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