Saturn rules over any sort of order and authority and when it retrogrades these areas related to Saturn would be affected. Generally Saturn is a malefic planet that brings about dread and disappointments in our life, and when Saturn goes retrograde we might get some relief from such things. Saturn retrograde like the other planet retrogrades is a great time to audit our standing and upgrade ourselves. It is also a good time to go to the basics, to review the foundation or the base work and check if it can withstand the time machine.
Saturn is a very slow moving sluggish planet and when it travels retrograde in a zodiac sign, the natal planets posited therein stand to get affected. Even though Saturn goes retrograde for about 4 odd months, the effects may linger on for about a year’s time.
Saturn retrograde is a period when we are tested if we have learnt our life lessons properly. To be precise it is exam time for us. If you have learnt well you would be rewarded amicably by Saturn, else you would be given some more lessons to learn to correct and equip yourself , do note that this would be a time of passing too.
When Saturn goes retrograde it asks us to slow down, take a break if at all. If you feel challenges coming your way, do not be head- on, introspect deeply as to how to handle it. In other words, Saturn readies us for a reality check. You would be made to assess situations around and make amends. Do note that all the trials and temptations you encounter during Saturn retrograde period are just temporary phases.
When Saturn is retrograding, it would not be fun- time, you would have multiple obstacles and problems coming your way from all quarters and directions. Your endurance would be put to good test. Do take it as a perfect time to correct your mistakes and bring about balance in your life. With time, you would be able to master tribulations with ease.