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Aries Lyrics
This is Aries the Ram Ruled by the planet Mars God of War. A very strong, determined sign As a matter of fact Its the strongest sign in the solar system...

Does Black Zodiac exist?
The opposite and black version of the Western astrological zodiac is the black zodiac, and it exists. As the repeated interpretations were carried out by different astrologers such as Indian, Greek, and Roman, the black zodiac was filtered out, and only the good one remained....

Nuclear Radiation and Deaths
All forms of radiations occur naturally in the environment. On an average, every human being would be struck by around 15000 radiation particles per second....

Origin Of Astrology
Astrology is the study of influence of stars and planets on each individual for it is said to play a major role in shaping their personality along with their future....

The number 777 meaning from a numerologists perspective
If you keep seeing number 77, it means you are on the right track. It suggests you are in perfect balance. It means your guardians angels want to trust in your inner strength. This number 777 will bless you with intelligence, intuition, perseverance, and strength....