Planetary Influences - August 2016

Venus Transits Virgo –( August 25 – September 18)

Mercury Retrograde – (August 30 – September 21)

The month of August belongs to the zodiac sign of Leo. This August starts with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Rahu all in the house of Leo. Around mid-Jupiter the Sun also joins the gang in the house of Leo. Venus and Mercury are the planets of activity and communication and the combination along with Sun in the house of Leo is very potent and energetic. As Jupiter exits Leo, Sun its ruler gets his long lost throne.

Leo is a sign of leadership and creativity. Hence August 2016 can see some hectic activity in the fields of politics and entertainment. Also a good time to have fun and joy with family friends. Rahu in Leo is likely to bring to light some notorious scandals into the limelight of the Sun during the month of August.

New Moon in Cancer - August 2

The luminaries Sun and Moon come together in the house of Cancer on August 2nd, a Tuesday. This marks the New Moon. During a New Moon our energy levels would be at their lowest, hence it is best advised to take some rest and stay away from energy-filled activities for the day.

The combination of Sun and Moon are likely to come under the direct aspect of the Saturn-Mars combination from the house of Scorpio. This might bring about some anger, frustrations and depressions in our lives. Also emotions might rule the roost. It is best advised to lay low for the day as things might really get amplified during a New Moon in the negative sense.


Jupiter Enters Virgo (Guru Peyarchi) -August 11

On August 11th, 2016 Jupiter or Guru transits from the house of Leo to the house of Virgo or Kanya. For the next one year period Jupiter would be staying in Virgo. With Jupiter’s entry to Virgo it has escaped from the harsh aspects of Saturn and Rahu from the house of Scorpio for now. This aspect would have given untold sufferings for the natives for the past one year period.

This transit of Jupiter would be affecting Virgo and Pisces natives considerably but in a positive sense. Rahu would continue to hold sway over Jupiter for the next one year period, till August 2017. During the transit of Jupiter to Virgo, Moon would be moving through the Saturn –Mars conjunction in the house of Scorpio. This would bring about an end to some of our long-pending situations in life. Saturn would be slowing down around this time as it goes direct on August 13th and this might bring about a sense of fear, worry and anxiety for some natives.


Saturn Goes Direct- August 13

On August 13th, 2016 Saturn or Sani slows down and goes into direct motion at 16 deg Scorpio. Thus Saturn which started its retrograde motion on March 25th changes course. Till now the retrograde Saturn would have caused difficulties and hindrances in our personal lives.

As Saturn turns direct things get down to their normal course or flow. This direct motion of Saturn changes the aspect on Jupiter and hence a period of blocked channels now gets cleared after August 13th.


Sun Transits Leo –(August 16 – September 15)

On August 16th, Sun would be leaving the house of Cancer and enters into Leo. The junction between Cancer a water sign and Leo, a fire sign is very important and this transit of Sun over the region would bring about major transformations in society. The movement of Sun into the house of Leo marks the letting go off of certain things that have been blocking your progress in life, it might be a partner, a stagnant career, burning health issues. etc.

The Sun entering the house of Leo joins Rahu and Venus there and this is also the time when Saturn goes direct and Jupiter moves over to the house of Virgo. Though the Sun seems to be highly malefic it is likely to shed some light on some of the darkest alleys of the universe during this time of the year.


Full Moon in Aquarius -August 18

On August 18th, the Moon becomes full at 2 deg Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by the planets Saturn or Sani and Rahu. The Moon in Aquarius would be aspected by a host of planets, namely Ketu would be in Aquarius, the Sun, Venus and Mercury would be aspecting from the house of Leo and Mars from its own house of Scorpio. However the Moon escapes the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn this time. But then Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius and hence would have some control over the Moon in its own house.


Mercury Enters Virgo -August 19

Mercury would be entering the zodiac sign of Virgo on August 19th and would exit Virgo on October 20th. Mercury thus enters its own house and gets exalted and hence communications and studies ruled by Mercury get a greater emphasis in this time period.

Mercury goes retrograde from August 30th to September 21st, when it enters Leo and comes back to Virgo on October 3rd. With Jupiter also entering Virgo, there would be a re-organisation or re-focus on our academic interests and knowledge base.

During the period when Mercury goes retrograde make sure that you do not start anything new and instead focus on things that have been pending or need a restructuring.


Saturn-Mars Conjunction-( August 23 – 24)

The Saturn-Mars combination in the house of Scorpio get into perfect conjunction (0 deg) on August 23-24. Saturn and Mars are highly explosive and powerful combination of planets that aspect the house of Taurus. Also Mars aspects Aquarius and Saturn aspects the house of Leo.

Mars in its own house of Scorpio is loaded with power and energy that we can surpass mountains and gain strength and confidence in life. Add to this the difficulty-causing Saturn or Sani which might have made things worse.

The exact conjunction of Mars and Saturn comes around daybreak on August 24th , but we may feel the friction mounting during the days before the exact conjunction. The steam would be let off only when Mars exits Scorpio on September 17th.


Venus Transits Virgo –(August 25 – September 18)

Venus enters the house of Virgo on August 25th and joins Mercury there. Venus is debilitated in the zodiac sign of Virgo. Now Venus would be visible in the evening sky. Venus though debilitated gets its strength from Mercury which is exalted in Virgo. This combination then joins Jupiter around August last.

Virgo ruling health now gets strength with Venus and Mercury posited herein, thus health and lifestyle changes get greatly enhanced in this period. Our creativity would be brought to the fore thanks to Venus in Virgo. The combination of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo brings relationships a new meaning.


Mercury Retrograde –(August 30 – September 21)

Mercury in the zodiac sign of Virgo goes retrograde from August 30 to September 21st.

As always advised, it is best to avoid important things in life, like starting a new venture, entering into a relationship, signing important contracts and the like. Travel would also meet with impediments of sorts during this period. Mercury in Virgo is also favourable for health treatments but just double-check your treatment plans to avoid further complications during this retrograde period.

The retrograde period of Mercury is generally a very hindering period, hence avoid making important life decisions. Take plenty of rest, lat low, watch your tongue and stay off from communication issues for now.
