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Posted by: Findyourfate

13 Aug 2024  .  9 mins read

Scorpio Horoscope 2025

This is going to be an important year in recent times for the intense Scorpios. All this year, there would be many ways for growth in your personal and professional life. There would be a good share of troubles and hindrances as well. Patience and self-reflection however would see you through unscathed by the rigors of life this year. Your dedication to work and passion for relationship assure overall goodness in life. Jupiter would bring about personal growth and soul-searching for the Scorpios. Mars, your ruler would give you the guts, power and drive to tread ahead. At times you might feel torn between sides. Flexibility would help you to navigate to some tense moments around. The Eclipse seasons would bring about major life events and revelations to the fore. Get rid of the old and embrace the new that comes about in life. So what does destiny have for you in terms of love, family, work and health, read on.

The Year Ahead for Scorpio - 2025 Yearly Horoscope

February 24 - Retrograde Mars turns direct in Cancer

March 27 - Lilith enters Scorpio

March 29 - Solar Eclipse in Aries- 6th house

May 12 - Full Moon in your sign

September 21 - Solar Eclipse in Virgo - 11th house

September 22 - Entry of Mars

October 6 - Mercury Enters

October 23 - Entry of the Sun

November 6 - Venus enters Scorpio

November 20 - New Moon in Scorpio

November 29 -Mercury retrograde ends in Scorpio

Scorpios have quite an interesting array of planet events in store for them for the year ahead. The planetary events start with your ruler Mars that has been retrograde from end of 2024 turning direct in the sign of Cancer. When Mars turns direct, roadblocks would be lifted up. Projects that were put in the back burner for long now take off. You would be able to express yourself freely to your partner and push ahead in life with much energy and power. And then we have Lilith entering your sign on the 27th of March. With Lilith in Scorpio your sole ambition of revenge would come through easily these days. In a couple of days, on the 29th of March, a Solar eclipse is due in your 6th house of Aries. When there is an eclipse in your 6th house you become more sensitive both physically and spiritually. Accidents and illnesses are on the cards, you would be brought out of your routine life and you get a better perspective of life around the eclipse time.

On the 12th of May, 2025 your sign would be hosting a Full Moon. A full Moon in Scorpio implies that magic is in the air. You would be made to confront your deepest emotions now. After a lull period for a couple of months, on the 21st of September there would be a Solar eclipse in your 11th house of Virgo. An eclipse in the 11th house implies good involvement with friends, peer groups and the community as a whole. There would be changes in your social life and you resort to humanitarian activities. The following day, on the 22nd of September, your ruler namely, Mars would enter your sign. Now your determination to achieve your ambitions would be quite high. There would be an intense passion in your relationships. On the 6th of October, Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio. Due to this Mercury transit, natives might see a deterioration of their financial standing. Long distant travels on the cards though.

The 23rd of October would see the Sun entering your zodiac sign. Sun transiting Scorpio will bring courage to stand up for your beliefs and ambitions. Make sure that you do not hurt others and is not stubborn. And on the 6 th of November, Venus, the planet of love and pleasure would be entering your sign. Venus in Scorpio signifies deep and intense emotional connectivity in your relationship. You would have a desire for stable connections at home. The 20th of November would see the New Moon in your sign. This would define clearly the truth you want to live. This would be the ideal time to express what you desire in life. On the 29th of November, Mercury that had been retrograding in Libra from the 9 th of November would turn direct in your sign. This would bring forth good financial gains, and achievement of your desires and wishes. Relationships set into a smooth sail hereafter now that Mercury is direct.

Love and Relationships in 2025 for Scorpio

There are chances for new romance and love for Scorpios in 2025. This year has some long-term potential in terms of your love and marriage prospects. If you are already in a relationship or marriage, then you would be deepening the bonds. Your relationship might be taken to a whole new level, as like getting married and the like. Scorpios are likely to meet their partners through the career or social route this season. Connections would be instant and most would be spiritually connected.

Scorpios are urged to maintain some independence and avoid being possessive in relationship to survive this period. There would be good intimacy in your relationship through the days. All your desires and wishes in love would be fulfilled as the year progresses. This is going to be a fulfilling year for many. Mid-year however might pose some issues, good understanding, commitment and honesty would help you to sail through easily. Enjoy some romantic getaways with partner this season. Surprise him or her with their favorite treats. Little acts of kindness would go a long way in nurturing your love and marriage. Always remember that communication is the key to goodness and do not keep any secret away from your loved one. Attend more social events where you can network and find great partners if you are a single Scorpio. Do not rush on things, let things progress naturally. Making lots of quality time for your lover helps these days. This is a wonderful year of togetherness for the Scorpios. Enhance your commitment and harness positive energies around to improve your love ties. Be open-minded when it comes to matters of the heart.

Work Prospects for Scorpio in 2025

2025 would be a period of drive and great ambitions for the Scorpios. Hard work and commitment would bring great advancements in life. But make sure that you stay focused and is not reckless towards your goals. Also, maintain a good work-life balance that would not interfere with your health. You shine in profession if you avoid power struggles. Always be persuasive in your communications, do not manipulate ties. Good networking would help you in your career climb through the year. Do believe in yourself, trust your abilities and keepgoing. You are resourceful and can impress higher ups which would earn you coveted positions through the year. Teamwork also pays off well if you learn to lead and utilize the chances given to you. Scorpios into business would make good progress through the year. Natives are advised to pursue their passion and improve their skillset. Stay away form office politics and gossips that would bring about negative energy around. In general, your career would soar, if you give all your might this year.

Money Horoscope - 2025 Scorpio

In terms of finances and money, Scorpios would find the year ahead a bit tricky. You are advised to devise a good budget plan and stick to it through tough times. Plan carefully and stay away from impulsive spending. This would lead you towards money problems as the year moves on. Real estate deals would bring good returns, bank on them. This is not a season for splurging, instead invest your money wisely. It would save you on a rainy day later on. The planets make sure that your needs or met, however there would be some issues in complying with your desires. Be content with what you have in life. Family and friends might ask for some finances, lend carefully as money owed to you might not be returned to you in the ensuing period. Family feuds owing to inherited financial resources on the cards for some Scorpios. Solve them wisely, this would prevent any rifts in relationships. Overall, this would be a year of low finances, hence do not slay around.

Health and Wellness Horoscope - 2025 Scorpio

Scorpios might elude good health in the year ahead, particularly the womenfolk. Do not stress yourself too much, instead go it slow. Let self-care be your routine. Prevention is better than cure, hence schedule periodic checkups. Natives are likely to suffer from limb ailments and other chronic issues if not attended to properly. Always eat healthy food and be physically active. Be positive and venture into social and charity works that would give you peace in life. With health habits you would be energized through this year. Do not neglect your health at any cost. Plan occasional time off from work and go on vacations and trips with your loved  ones. With prudent health care you would be in good health and cheer all this year.

Astrologers Advice for Scorpio

Harness your immense energy and drive towards constructive growth. Follow your intuition and nurture your relationships and amplify your career. Reflect on your goals and embrace the abundant opportunities on your table.

Yearly Video Horoscope

2025 Yearly Horoscope for Scorpio in a nutshell

Months Scorpio Horoscope- 2025 Predictions
January horoscope Scorpio This is your lucky period, Scorpio. Just chase your goals, but avoid conflicts of sorts around.
February horoscope Scorpio The month ahead looks bright. Your finances would be stable, hence invest wisely and curb impulsive spending for now.
March horoscope Scorpio Health needs utmost care these days. Balance your personal and professional agendas and turn a bit more social.
April horoscope Scorpio Great opportunities are coming your way, grab them by the horns. Nurture your bonds and follow you gut instincts.
May horoscope Scorpio Your creative surge gets to the fore this May. Romance is in the air. Be bold enough in your personal moves and avoid pride going to your head.
June horoscope Scorpio This would be a good period to start your dream project. Diligent work would take you towards success, be flexible though at all times.
July horoscope Scorpio Decisions taken during this month would have a major say in your future course of actions. Trust your self and spend time for self-care.
August horoscope Scorpio Passions are high around, keep love under your embrace. Intense emotions would come into play, maintain your cool.
September horoscope Scorpio Luck and fortune are on the cards for Scorpios during this September. Adventure also calls on you and your spirit soar.
October horoscope Scorpio The Sun treads through your sign and success is yours for the asking these days. This is a great period for personal and professional development for the Scorpios.
November horoscope Scorpio Chances for better financials and good career growth are coming along, step out of your comfort zone, cultivate social links that would better your spirits in the days ahead.
December horoscope Scorpio As the year comes to a close, listen to your heart and pursue your passion. Romance and glad tidings come from far off places. Enjoy the good things that life has to offer you.


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Got a Retrograde Placement in your natal chart? Are you doomed?

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23 Jan 2025  .  5 mins read

Got a Retrograde Placement in your natal chart? Are you doomed?

Retrograde placements

When there is a Retrograde placement in one’s natal chart, it shows areas of life where we have intense energy levels when compared to the houses with the non-retrograde planet placements. However, there would be difficulty or struggle to express this energy fully. In other words, Retrograde energy is one that’s dialed up but remains repressed. When there is a retrograde planet in your natal chart, it can be having either positive or negative effect and it depends on the overall birth chart. The sign where the Retrograde planet is posited, the aspects to this planet, the house it is and the degree involved all are vital in finding the implications of the retrograde placement.

planetary retrograde

Did you know:

•  Mercury turns retrogrades 3 to 4 times a year.

•  Venus goes retrograde once every 18 months.

•  Mars has the rarest retrograde phase at 7%, which happens every 2 years.

• Jupiter is retrograde for 4 months every year.

• Saturn enters the retrograde motion once a year for 4 ½ months.

The Luminaries Sun and the Moon never go retrograde. Rahu and Ketu or the Nodes of the Moon, always are in retrograde motion. Retrograde planets in the natal chart or ephemeris are marked by R or Rx for easy identification and readability.

Planet Retrograde Periods

•  Mercury retrogrades for 24 days during every retrograde phase and is stationary one day before and after.

•  Venus is retrograde for 42 days and is stationary approximately two days before and after.

•  Mars retrogrades for 80 days and is stationary 3 to 4 days before and after.

• Jupiter retrogrades 120 days is stationary 5 days before and after.

• Saturn retrogrades for 140 days and remains stationary 5 day before and after.

Each planet has it’s own percentage of time when it must retrograde. They are:

• 19.76% - Mercury

•  07.22% - Venus

• 09.33% - Mars

• 30.24% - Jupiter

• 36.39% - Saturn

Planet Retrogrades in Indian Astrology

The Sanskrit name for retrograde planets is “Vakri”. Vakri means twisted, crooked, winding, roundabout, evasive and ambiguous. Vakra Asana in Yoga is twisting the body from back to front. This asana or yoga pose is done to strengthen the spine and make it flexible.

On similar lines, the energy of the retrograde planets is to be flexible, to twist things around, to make them unclear, to teach its message in an indirect way, to view life in a different way. By doing this we strengthen ourselves and become more adaptable, original, innovative and different. On the negative side, with a retrograde placement, one can become a crook or get dishonest. The energy of the Retrograde planet can be either positive or negative and it is upon the individual to use this energy towards constructive purposes.

Here is an analogy. When we are travelling in a train, another train running on a parallel track seems to be moving backwards. Similarly, planets do not actually move backwards, but when viewed form the earth seem so. This means that the area ruled by the retrograde planet is under review and asks for a stop-gap arrangement.

Natives born with Mercury Retrograde would express themselves to the outside world quite differently.

Those born with Venus Retrograde do not fit in the regular stereotypical person, their view of beauty and expression would be different.

Likewise, a native born with Mars Retrograde would be expressing his or her aggressive nature through a different medium.

Retrogrades Planet Placements and their Meetings

Mercury Rx

• Natives with Retrograde Mercury in their natal chart would be wise and intelligent but they would have trouble in communicating. They are often misunderstood by others.

•  They struggle to express their ideas, thoughts and opinions.

• Natives are prone to gossip when they have Mercury retrograde in their chart.

• Some natives are prone to speech delays, impediment, stammering, anxiety, depression, adhd, etc.

Were you born during Mercury Retrograde?

Venus Rx

• When someone has Venus retrograde in their birth chart, then they would not be well-versed in expressing their love to others.

• They struggle to be affectionate with their partner or loved ones and are mostly seen to be vulnerable in relationships.

• Natives feel insecure and unattractive to partners.

• Most with Venus retrograde in natal chart are found to be people pleasers in general.

Check if you have Venus retrograde placement:

Mars Rx

• People with Mars retrograde in their natal chart find it difficult to express their anger. This brings about confusion upsetting them.

• They lack ambition or the drive to spring into action.

• Natives are either low in confidence or over-confident that they seem insecure to others.

• They hate confronting people and are usually found to steer away from controversies.

Is Mars Retrograding for your birth date

Jupiter Rx

• When Jupiter is Retrograde in one’s personal chart then the native would be after internal fulfilment and is usually very spiritual. They are not after material resources.

• Natives are very intelligent and wise but do not know how to showcase the same.

• Luck and fortune shall elude the natives with Jupiter placement, only hard work would give them good returns.

More on Jupiter Retrograde in Natal Chart

Saturn Rx

• When Natives who have Saturn retrograde generally have fears of so many things.

• They find it difficult to come out of their comfort zone.

• When challenges come, these natives would withdraw into their shell.

Find out if you have Saturn Retrograde

Uranus Rx

• When Uranus is Retrograde, the natives are very unique, but they find it difficult to accept the same.

• They are very independent and freedom-loving that they struggle in relationships.

• They are very rebellious in nature.

• They have trouble adapting to new environments and sudden changes around.

Read more on Uranus Retrograde

Neptune Rx

• Natives are creative, but do not know how to express the same.

• They have self-doubt and struggle to manifest things.

• They have trust issues.

• Natives are great escapists and are found to be drug addicts.

Check for your birthdate

Pluto Rx

• Those with Pluto retrograde in their natal chart find it difficult to let go of things and relationships in life.

• They struggle to move ahead.

• They have a fear of being controlled or manipulated.

• Natives are very obsessive in nature and addictive as well.

• They have a tough time with lots of hardships in life when compared to the rest.

Find out if Pluto is Retrograde in your Natal Chart   


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2025 Planetary Influences, Astrological effects on Zodiac Signs 2025

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31 Dec 2024  .  9 mins read

Year 2025 would be a great year as far as the planetary influences are concerned. Almost all the zodiacs would stand being under the influence of the planets. The year has some key celestial events slated where the planets would make great moves impacting our lives both on a personal level and on a societal scale. Here is a detailed overview of the top most important planetary influences lined up for the year 2025.

Planetary Influences 2025

Planet Retrogrades

Mercury Retrogrades

2025 will have three Mercury retrogrades during the following periods:

•  March 15–April 7: In Aries and Pisces

•  July 18–August 11: In Leo

•  November 9–29: In Sagittarius and Scorpio

The Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are expected to be most affected by these retrogrades in 2025.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde:

This year the Mercury retrograde dates would bring back the usual problems of communication mishaps, travel delays and travel glitches. In 2025 all the Mercury retrograde phases start in a Fire sign. In Aries it calls for self-reflection. In Leo it means to pick up the threads and keep going and in Sagittarius it would highlight a reconsideration of our beliefs and life philosophies.

Venus Retrograde

Dates : Venus retrograde starts in Aries and then in Pisces from March 1 to April 12, 2025. Venus retrogrades once every 18 months. When Venus goes backwards in Pisces, you are likely to meet people form the past who share a great connection with you.

Influence : When Venus goes retrograde it would be a time reassess your love relationships and life values. In Pisces, this means that our hidden emotions might come to the fore changing our current values and set patterns and alter them to a different one. Pisces is the last in the zodiac line-up and when Venus retrogrades here it means the end or liberation of certain things like old patterns of emotions and values.

Mars Retrograde

Dates : Mars retrograde starts right from December 6, 2024 in Leo and ends on February 24, 2025 in Cancer.

Influence : Mars Retrograding in the fire sign of Leo would nudge us to reflect on our self-image. It prompts us to think about our own image, confidence and how we react to anger and passion. Mars retrograde is a time to revisit what you've recently experienced in life, including the steps you've taken, instincts you've followed, and the desires you've pursued till now.

Jupiter Retrograde

Dates : Jupiter goes retrograde every year for around 120 days. Jupiter is Retrograde from October 9, 2024 to February 4, 2025 in the sign of Gemini. It once again turns retrograde on the 11th of November 2, 2025 to end the same on the 11th of March, 2026 in the water sign of Cancer.

Influence : Jupiter is the planet of abundance, expansion, knowledge and wealth. When it retrogrades in the sign of Gemini, themes of communication, travel, academics and media get highlighted. This would be a time for reflection, and introspection. Some potential effects of Jupiter retrograde in Gemini indicates challenges in personal relations, delays in career progress, financial pressure, travel plans go awry. On the positive side your creativity thrives, you tune in more towards intuition and would question societal norms and traditions.

As for the second lap of retrograde, Jupiter would be transiting through the sign of Cancer. This can bring about both challenges and opportunities. It would test your patience, things won’t move in their usual pace and there would be the constant urge to slowdown. Better to observe, reflect and prepare for the coming days.

Saturn Retrograde

Dates : Saturn is retrograde from July 13, 2025 in Aries to November 28, 2025 in Taurus for the year ahead.

Influence : The first phase of Saturn Retrograde in 2025 would be in the sign of Aries. Saturn is said to be debilitated or weak in Aries. Saturn is very disciplined and slow while Aries is known for its impulsive drive. When Saturn retrogrades in Aries, we are called to reassess our social circles, refine our strategies, build financial security, heal our past wounds, be cautious of our health and avoid high-value property investments.

The second lap of Saturn retrograde is in the sign of Taurus. This would help us to focus on our career goals and make progress. We would be made to budget our finances for security. There would be the constant nudge to consider our social circles and prune unwanted relationships.

Uranus Retrograde

Dates : Uranus is retrograde from September 1, 2024 to January 30, 2025 in the sign of Taurus. It once again retrogrades in Gemini from September 6, 2025 to February 4, 2026 when it transits once again to the sign of Taurus.

Influence : The first lap of Uranus Retrograde in 2025 occurs in the sign of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of innovation, revolution and abrupt changes. When it retrogrades, it asks us to slow down and introspect, be more cautious of our monetary resources, accept and embrace changes with ease, reconsider our values and take small steps towards growth.

In September, 2025 Uranus turns retrograde in Gemini and this means the closing of one experience and the start of yet another one, there would be unexpected revelations from the past, you would be growing spiritually, this would be a time for self-reflection and when you get more creative.

Neptune Retrograde

Dates : Neptune is retrograde from July 04, 2025 to December 10, 2025. This phase starts in Aries and end in Pisces this year.

Influence : Every year, Neptune turns retrograde for about five months. When Neptune is retrograding, there would be confusion and uncertainty around. This would be a time to reevaluate your beliefs and explore spirituality.

When Neptune retrogrades, it would be a wake-up call which forces us to face the reality of life. You might need to rea-assess your dreams and reflect internally. You would be exploring your fantasies and ideals. Neptune retrograde would nudge you to be kind to yourself and practice some relaxation techniques like meditation and the like.

Pluto Retrograde

Dates : In 2025, Pluto is Retrograde from May 4th to October 14th . Pluto starts its Retrograde motion in Aquarius and ends it in the zodiac house of Capricorn.

Influence : A Pluto retrograde period is a time of major transformations, introspection and intense self-examination. We would be confronted by past hurts and wounds. Traumas haunt us and there would be lots of power play within our own selves and in our relationships. This can either foster growth, might even settle into our subconscious and revisit us later on.

2025- Major Planet Transits

Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini

Dates : Jupiter will be in Taurus until May 25, 2025, and then it enters the sign of Gemini.

Influence : In Taurus, Jupiter brings an energy of abundance and growth in areas related to material resources, wealth, stability, and comfort. It’s a great time for financial expansion, through grounded and practical efforts. Real estate, agriculture, and environmental issues might be emphasized during this time as Taurus is an earth sign. When Jupiter moves into Gemini in May 2025, the energy shifts toward intellectual growth, curiosity, and communication. This transit will spark innovation in learning, technology, and social connections, fostering a period of mental stimulation and exchange of ideas.

Saturn in Pisces

Dates : Saturn stays in Pisces all through the year 2025. Saturn entered Pisces in March 2023 and will remain there until February 2026.

Influence : Saturn’s presence in Pisces continues to shape the spiritual and emotional realms. Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, may feel challenged in the watery and ethereal sign of Pisces. This combination encourages a restructuring of our spiritual beliefs, emotional boundaries, and creative processes. Themes of collective healing and a more compassionate approach to practical matters are emphasized for the period. On a societal level, Saturn in Pisces could lead to stricter regulations with regard to sharing of water resources, mental health and artistic expression.

Uranus in Taurus

Dates : Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018 and will remain there until 2026.

Influence : Uranus, the planet of changes and innovation through Taurus, shakes up traditional structures related to finance, values, and nature as we are experiencing of late. This influence suggests ongoing disruptions in global financial systems, innovations in agriculture, and a greater focus on sustainability. Personal values may also undergo radical transformations, with a shift towards embracing unconventional or progressive lifestyles. Expect further developments in cryptocurrency, sustainable technologies, and personal freedom in economic matters as Uranus treads through Taurus for the year.

Neptune in Pisces

Dates : Neptune has been in Pisces since 2012 and will remain there until 2026.

Influence : Neptune in its own sign of Pisces amplifies intuition, creativity, and spiritual awareness. This period is ideal for artistic and imaginative pursuits, though it can also lead to confusion, escapism, or deception if not handled with caution. There would be a deepening of spiritual practices and the pursuit of collective healing. However, it’s important to remain grounded as Neptune’s illusions can blur the lines between reality and fantasy. Environmental concerns will also be highlighted under Neptune’s influence.

Pluto in Aquarius

Dates : Pluto entered Aquarius in 2023 where it will remain till 2043.

Influence : Pluto’s presence in Aquarius will bring profound changes in technology, social structures, and humanitarian ideals. Pluto in Aquarius challenges established power systems, pushing for revolutionary change, technological innovation, and greater equality. There may be breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, space exploration, and the way societies organize around collective goals. Expect social movements advocating for freedom, individuality.

Eclipses in 2025

As usual, year 2025 would be hosting two Lunar and two Solar Eclipses. The first Eclipse season occurs in March starting with a Lunar Eclipse on the 13th and 14th of March. There would be a Solar Eclipse which would be Partial on the 29th of March. The second Eclipse season happens in September, with a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 7th and 8th of September and a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 21st of September.

Expect these Eclipses to bring about profound changes in our lives. The weeks preceding and the weeks following the Eclipses would have the lingering effects of the Eclipse.

Key Takeaways for 2025

Uranus and Pluto in Taurus and Aquarius would bring about major changes. 2025 will be a year of technological advancements, particularly in areas like AI, space exploration, and financial systems.

Saturn and Neptune in Pisces continue to push us toward deeper emotional maturity and spiritual growth, but also require us to confront illusions and unrealistic expectations.

Venus retrograde in 2025 will encourage a re-evaluation of our relationships and how we express love, as well as creative pursuits that allow us to shine authentically.

To sum up, 2025 promises to be a year of growth, transformation, and reflection, with planetary influences pushing us to evolve in both personal and collective ways.

Read more on 2025 planetary influences   


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Moon Signs Horoscope 2025 for the 12 Rasis - Indian Horoscope

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28 Dec 2024  .  5 mins read

Our 2025 Moon Sign Horoscopes offer great insights into the influences of the celestial bodies on the 12 Rasis or Moon signs. Here are some general astrological insights for the year 2025 based on the movements of the major planets.

Guru or Jupiter:

Jupiter would be in the sign of Mesha or Aries till mid-2025 and then moves over to Rishabha or Taurus. In Mesha, Jupiter promotes growth, enthusiasm and great starts. When in Taurus, Jupiter would focus on stability, finances and material resources.

Saturn or Shani:

Saturn would be transiting through the sign of Meena or Pisces throughout 2025. This transit would encourage spiritual growth, bringing down of old structures and is a time for compassion and emotions.


Uranus continues its transit through Rishabha or Taurus for the year 2025. This transit in Rishabha Rasi is a time form embracing new technologies and unconventional approaches to money and material resources.


Neptune travels through Meena or Pisces for the year focusing on spirituality and creativity. It is likely to blur boundaries, and asks us to stay grounded till clarity is achieved.


Pluto would be transiting from Makara or Capricorn to Kumbha or Aquarius in the year 2025 This signifies innovation, societal changes, profound shifts in technology and major advancements.


The Lunar and Solar Eclipses in 2025 would occur along the Mesha-Tula (Aries- Libra) and Rishabha-Vrischikha (Taurus- Scorpio) axes, highlighting themes of independence or relationships and stability vor transformation.

The 12 Rasis or Zodiac Signs are an integral part of Indian Astrology. In general, 2025 would be a year of opportunities and growth for the Rasis. However, the Rasis are urged to practice patience, avoid impulsive decisions and maintain a healthy lifestyle to make the most of the year ahead. Though individual results might vary based on the personal charts, here is a generalized overview of 2025 for the 12 Rasis.

2025 Moon horoscope


  • Career: After mid-year, there would be profound opportunities in career, with your hard work paying off.
  • Finance: Avoid impulsive buying for financial stability to prevail.
  • Relationships: There would be goodness in your relationships, though there would be occasional misunderstandings.
  • Health: Minor health issues surface, avoid stress and strain for the year.

More on 2025 Moon Horoscope for Mesha


  • Career: You would flourish in service and business and get due recognition for your hard work.
  • Finance: Good inflow of finances would be there, but be wary of your spending.
  • Relationships: Marriage and love life would be pleasant,partner would be supportive.
  • Health: Follow good food habits and stay fit.

2025 Moon Horoscope - Rishabha


  • Career: This would be a dynamic year with much changes, however communication would be the key.
  • Finance: Moderate financial growth is probable, avoid speculation.
  • Relationships: Your bonds would get strengthened through the course of the year.
  • Health: Regular health check-up needed, prevention is best advised.

Read on for 2025 Mithuna Horoscope


  • Career: Opportunities for career advancement may arise, after the transit of Jupiter mid- year.
  • Finance: Financial stability is likely, but savings should be on top of everything.
  • Relationships: A harmonious time for relationships, both love and marriage.
  • Health: Mental well-being is vital, resort to meditation or relaxation techniques.

2025 Moon Horoscope for Kataka


  • Career: You would excel in leadership roles and entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Finance: Earnings will improve, but expenditures may increase exponentially, beware.
  • Relationships: If ego clashes are avoided, your relationships get strengthened this year.
  • Health: Energy levels will be high, but watch out for seasonal illnesses like cold, flu and allergies.

Read 2025 Moon Horoscope for Simha Rasi


  • Career: Growth is indicated, but patience will be essential to overcome obstacles.
  • Finance: A good year for investments, particularly in real estate and long-term plans.
  • Relationships: Strengthen ties with family and friends for emotional support.
  • Health: Maintain a healthy lifestyle, minor ailments may occur at times.

More on 2025 Moon Horoscope for Kanya


  • Career: Promotions or recognition are likely for those in creative or managerial roles.
  • Finance: Stable finances are promised, just avoid overspending on luxuries.
  • Relationships: A good year for marriage prospects and love pursuits.
  • Health: Focus on physical fitness and stress management.

2025 Moon Horoscope for Tula


  • Career: Challenges in career may arise, but persistence will bring success.
  • Finance: Be cautious with financial decisions, focus on long-term gains, beware of frauds.
  • Relationships: Relationships may experience ups and downs, communication is key.
  • Health: Prioritize mental health and avoid overthinking.

Vrischikha Rasi 2025 Horoscope


  • Career: Relocation, promotions and pay hikes on the cards.
  • Finance: A favorable year for increased income flow and managing debts.
  • Relationships: Positive developments in personal relationships are indicated.
  • Health: Stay active and avoid unhealthy food habits.

More on 2025 Moon Horoscope for Dhanus


  • Career: Hard work will yield success, do avoid workplace conflicts.
  • Finance: Financial growth is seen, but unexpected expenses might occur as well.
  • Relationships: Partner and family would be supportive, focus on strengthening ties.
  • Health: Take occasional breaks and prioritize rest to maintain health.

Read Makara Horoscope for 2025


  • Career: Innovation and creativity will bring success in career for the natives this year.
  • Finance: Savings will grow, and opportunities for investments are much favorable.
  • Relationships: A fulfilling time for personal and social connections.
  • Health: Pay attention to mental well-being and practice mindfulness.

2025 Moon Horoscope for Kumbha Rasi


  • Career: Opportunities for advancement are likely, especially if you are in creative fields.
  • Finance: Financial gains through multiple sources come, handle money wisely.
  • Relationships: A harmonious year for relationships, you get the support from loved ones.
  • Health: Focus on building physical strength and immunity in general for well-being.

Meena Rasi 2025 Moon Horoscope


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Monthly Horoscope Video - January 2025.

Posted by: Findyourfate
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28 Dec 2024  .  1 min read

Monthly Horoscope Video

As the New Year dawns, we have Mercury transiting to the sign of Sagittarius on the 3rd of January. This marks a period where there would be the quest for knowledge and the yearning to explore new ideas. Then on the 13th of January, the first Full Moon of 2025 occurs in the Air sign of Gemini. This would see us handle two different emotions or being pulled in two directions. Our energy stays divided. On the same day, the other luminary Sun transits through Capricorn. This would bring about a sense of seriousness, ambition and a desire to achieve tangible results.

After a lull, on the 21st of January, Retrograde Mars enters the zodiac house of Gemini making it a period of introspection and strategic refinement in various aspects of our lives. On the 24th of January, Mercury transits to Capricorn. This would make us keen on making and enhancing our money prospects. This is also a time for more travel. Then on the 27th, Venus transits to the water sign of Pisces. During this transit you will enjoy meaningful interactions with friends, your material desires would be fulfilled and there would be overall growth in life. The planet events for the month ends with a New Moon in Capricorn. This would be a good day to set our intentions straight for what we want in the year ahead.

To watch our videos on all Zodiac Signs:  





Monthly Forecast January 2025 | Monthly Horoscope Prediction January 2025 |


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Meena Rasi- 2025 Moon Sign Horoscopes - Meenam 2025

Posted by: Findyourfate
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23 Dec 2024  .  3 mins read


This year, Meena Rasi people would be much more sensitive and compassionate when compared to the past years. Your empathy and deep emotions would make sure that your personal life is all gaga through the year ahead. All aspects of your life like relationships, work, finances and health would be quite good thanks to your intuitive nature. Lot of spiritual pursuits are also on the cards this year. In career there might be troubles with authorities and peers owing to your over-trusting nature. You attract potential partners if you happen to be a single Meena native. With your lord Jupiter transiting through your 2nd house of Aries for the first half of 2025, family and financial resources get highlighted. Then Jupiter’s transit to your 3rd house would improve your communications and mend your personal and professional ties. Saturn or Shani treads through your own house all though the year emphasizing your personal growth and self-care, at the same time restricting your self-expression.

Meena rasi horoscope

Meena- Love and Marriage Horoscope 2025

Meena Love

For Meena Rasi people who are married, this year would be quite uneventful. As the year starts there would be goodness in marriage and with the year progressing there would be good understanding with spouse. Much love and romance on the cards with happiness assured in the domestic front. From mid-year, there would be a newness in your marriage. As for the single natives, this would be a time when a new person would enter into your life for your betterment and would be for the long term. You are most likely to meet this person via social media or through contacts of friends or family. The second half of the year would be a lot better when compared to the first half. Make sure that you do not dominate nor smother your partner. Give him or her the needed freedom and your relationship would thrive through the year. Much loyalty, honesty and trust would be built into the love relationship of Meena folks in 2025. Meena- Career Horoscope 2025

Meena- Career Horoscope 2025

According to the planetary positions for the year ahead, the career prospects of Meena Rasi people would be very good for the year. As the year starts you see immense success in your career or if you are into business. This is a good time to revamp your career path if that is on your mind. Meena natives looking for a change of job, a new job or relocation would find the year conducive for the same. Much fortune shall come for you and you get the goodwill of your higher-ups in profession. The last quarter of the year would pose some hiccups though, be tactful in winning your position over. Be cautious of false friends, frauds and accusations these days. Embrace changes in your job position with ease and learn to adapt to new situations and positions.

Meena- Finance Horoscope 2025

This would be an excellent year for the Meena Rasi people financially. In that there would be a good balance between your income and expenditure. Your finances would be stable, though financial freedom is not viable this year. Your needs would be met but do not bother much about your wants, count your blessings. As for investments, this is a good time for the same. Natives are urged to invest in stocks, bonds, gold and real estate that would give good returns in the years to come. Always save some funds for any emergency. Diversify your portfolio and do not put all your money in one basket. Expenses related to long distant travels, elders and children in the family might eat a major chunk of your income, be ready to handle the same.

Meena- Health Horoscope 2025

Meena health

The position of Jupiter in 2025 might cause some health setbacks for the Pisces people. With Saturn or Shani through your sign, there would be mental health issues as well with anxieties and worries marring your general health and well-being. Natives with chronic issues are likely to see their conditions deteriorate. Digestive issues escalate for some. Meena Rasi people are urged to quit bad habits and not to indulge in spicy food. Instead, they are advised to take more of lean protein, fibre-rich foods and stay physically active though the year to stay in good health.

Meena- Advice for 2025

Year 2025 is promised to a year of great opportunities and personal growth for Meena Rasi people. However, they ought to be patient and persevere when challenges are posed to them. Focus on your long term goals, communicate wisely in relationships and prioritize your health. Then the planets would bless you with a great year ahead.

Check out the Varshoola or inauspicious direction for the day   


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