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FindYourFate  .  26 Sep 2023  .  3 mins read   .   85552

When it comes to love compatibility and marriage prospects, Leos would have quite an intense period for the year ahead. You are likely to engage in drama and possessiveness, make sure that it does not mar your relationships. For the first quarter of the year, things might seem to go in vicious circles, but you would be back on track by mid-year. At last some Leos would be able to meet a person who would complete their views and ideas of life. Your ego and pride might come in way of compatible relationships, let not this create unresolved problems in your love this year. There would not be much worries and anxieties with regard to your relationships for the year ahead. You would be presented with numerous ways to manifest your true love to partner, thus paving way for overall growth of your love. This in turn would manifest in your domestic welfare and happiness for the year.

Leo Singles Compatibility:

There is plenty that the Leo singles stand to learn this year in terms of their relationships. The planets are favourable for you to strike a compatible relationship for the year. You would be encompassing the goodness of your partner with your family commitments as well. You will get a better perspective of your partner now. Your relationships would be cordial and full of warmth thanks to the part played by Venus. However Saturn around might causes occasional hindrances for your love pursuits.

Leo Couples Compatibility:

The year ahead has to offer a lot for Leo couples with regard to their marriage or love. Your relationships grow and you would be settling down in a stable marital affair for the year. The married ones however might meet with some challenges that would question the longevity of your marriage if not compatibility. Particularly the transits of Mars and Saturn would hamper your marital prospects through the year. For some, matters might go out of hand if amends are not done as soon as possible. Partner might sway away from you or his or her behaviour towards you might change owing to their family pressures. But then you have the ability to make things alright, just bury the hatchet. Do not brew past mistakes in your relationships. Marriage is on the anvil for those Leos who are ready for the same. Things would be taken to a whole new level and better compatibility would prevail for the year. Despite hindrances showing up occasionally, you would be overcoming them by your commitment and sincere efforts.

Love Advice for Leo Singles:

Leo singles would be loaded with much energy and passion, that it would be an intense period and they should be cautious of their moves. They might fall in love without weighing the pros and cons thinking it would be good, they are advised to take it slow, one step at a time.

Love Advice for Leo Couples:

The way your express your love to your partner would take your relationship to a whole new level with better compatible expression. The universe, if not the planets would guide you in your endeavors. There might be some obstacles and challenges, but the right amount of dedication would see your relationship get through.

2024 Love Prospects for Leo

Year 2024 brings about new avenues by which Leos can forge better love and marriage connections. Your emotional energy would be well-balanced and you become better in expressing your true intent to your partner or spouse through the year. Leos in particular would get more attractive ready to seduce their partner or spouse. There would be ample scope for fun and romance for the period. Some of you might find a spark in a hitheerto dull relationship. The missing link in your relationship would be found and get strengthened. Your love vows would be kept alive these days. Some Leos might start a new relationship after some tough previous encounters. Not to worry, you are going places.

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