2009 Horoscope - Pisces

The year 2009 brings a sense of security to your sex life but you could find your love life a little stale and somewhat predictable at times. You may find yourself feeling restless with any ongoing long-term associations or sexual relationships. If you are single, this is the year you can make your dreams come true, Pisces.
You may meet someone new who embodies the right qualities and whom you find to be extremely enticing. There could be an age difference with this person that could have people talking. If you are married, you will need to work harder than usual to make every effort to understand where your partner is coming from.

Home responsibilities and career could be areas of contention and irritation. Regardless of your marital status, this will be a year of promising beginnings, sporadic separations and sudden endings. You could change your residence or marital status more than one time in 2009. A Libra, Cancer or Capricorn will be involved with beginnings. You could be tempted and sexually attracted to a Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius this year. If not careful with your loyalty, dramatic endings will follow.

Year 2009

Some people for whatever reasons will be jealous of your luck with money and sex this year. Be especially careful with the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. These two will want to take both your money and your love in ways that you cannot afford. This will be a time when you can achieve success through hard work, innovative ideas and patience. Some leaders will fall while the new leaders of tomorrow emerge and you could be one of them, Pisces. There could be a tendency to shake things up in your love life thanks to Uranus in Pisces. In January, An Aries or Leo will provide you enlightenment in areas previously kept hidden or secret. Money will be involved. A Libra could learn the truth regarding a secret meeting with a Sagittarius. There will be much at stake with a Taurus, Libra or Scorpio throughout 2009. Don't let little irritations blow out of proportion, and come clean if you must.

There could be some surprises and changes with your domestic life during the first half of the year. Separations due to travel may bring about sensitive feelings with your closest love and sexual relationships. Keep yourself grounded and explain your feelings twice if you need to. February will bring secrets out in the open and hidden surprises to your attention. A Leo and a Gemini will be looking very sexy during March and April. There will be secrets that are never told and words that are never revealed with these two signs. Summer will be a time of increased responsibility, both emotional and financial. You will however rise to the occasion in typical Pisces fashion. November will bring security in love relationships that you felt had been lacking earlier in the year. November will also be your best month of 2009.

Love will be perfect and sex will seem destined. By December the pieces will finally come together and you will be happier than you thought you had the right to be. A Cancer, Scorpio and a Capricorn will be your friends for life and prove it to you this month. Your relationships with an Aries and a Libra will bring laughter and beauty to your life during December. Your most memorable months for 2009 are March, June and November. You will be lucky in love this year and despite those numerous beginnings, separations and endings, it would not have happened any other way.