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Dark Side of all Zodiacs

08 Nov 2021

Aries is prone to being impetuous and impatient when it comes to making decisions. When someone else offers up ideas to an Aries, they usually show little attention because they only seem to care about their own.

Lilith - what is lilith, lilith House, lilith zodiac sign, true lilith, explained

26 Aug 2021

Lilith is not a deity who is worshipped or someone who is stanned. Lilith is the demon that shall be avoided. The mere mentioning of its name is enough to scare away people.

How to find Midheaven and why its always on the 10th House, Midheaven in 12 Zodiac Signs

26 Aug 2021

Your Midheaven is responsible for reflecting your social face and reputation. You find your Midheaven sign by studying the MC, a vertical line in your birth chart. It indicates the zodiac sign, which was exactly overhead the spot you were born in.

Does Black Zodiac exist?

13 Aug 2021

The opposite and black version of the Western astrological zodiac is the black zodiac, and it exists. As the repeated interpretations were carried out by different astrologers such as Indian, Greek, and Roman, the black zodiac was filtered out, and only the good one remained.

12 zodiac signs and Lilith

13 Aug 2021

Ever heard of the mysterious powerful woman, Lilith? You must have! You must have seen her in supernatural movies or read about her in horror books.