Category: Astrology

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  .  19 Jul 2021  .  4 mins read   .   5025

It is possible to see if the person has a good vocation to marriage by reading their birth chart. For this, it would be necessary to consider several elements of your astrological mandala. Among them, the analysis of the seventh astral house, which is a house that talks about marriages and partnerships, that is, seeing which planets are present there (and which are the positions between them: conjunction, opposition and square), in which sign is the cusp of the house and in what degree of that sign are the planets. We could also look at the planet Venus, the planet of love, which corresponds to the way we seduce our partner and the way we are loving and affectionate. In addition, we would need to consider the position of the moon, which means how we deal with our unconscious emotions and feelings. An integrative analysis of the map, taking all these factors and a few others into account, would reveal whether the person would make a good wife.

But, analyzing solely and exclusively the sun sign, some signs stand out for presenting some favorable characteristics to the matrimonial vocation. They are bull, virgin, Capricorn (all from the earth element), scorpion and cancer (from the water element).

Why all the earth element signs? For these are conservative signs that would fight for the maintenance of the relationship. In addition, they are signs that highly value the earthly and material body, like to satisfy the pleasures of the flesh and, therefore, enjoy caresses with their partner.

The taurine wife contemplates moments for two, through the sexual act, tasty food and comfort at home. She is very loyal and struggles to keep their relationship. In addition to being a struggling wife to bring warmth and tranquility into your home.

The companion of the sign of Capricorn resembles Taurine in some characteristics, in addition to being extremely practical and active, she takes problems for herself to solve them and, therefore, is seen as very responsible and mature. When he assumes something, she dedicates herself with excellence to it. It is even capable of giving up on itself. She is an organized wife who optimizes her time well to be able to fulfill everything in the home.

The virgin woman also has similarities with the other previous signs. In addition, as the name implies, she is "virgin", that is, pure, centered on herself, does not allow external elements to influence her, is not fickle and easily manipulated to leave the relationship, showing a lot of fidelity. He is very fond of serving, nurturing, and caring for others. She is very logical, meticulous, critical and perfectionist, so she does her best to keep everything in order at home. As she seeks to keep her body “virgin”, free from impure characteristics, she seeks to take good care of it, being vain and generally possessing remarkable beauty.

The other two sun signs that stand out for making good wives are the water element: scorpion and fish. Water is highly malleable and adaptable to situations, which is very favorable for marriage, as every relationship goes through phases and changes that require flexibility from those involved. They are also very loving, emotional, sensitive, romantic and, most importantly, empathetic signs. They can identify their emotions in others and help them deal with them.

The Scorpio partner stands out for her impeccable loyalty and fidelity. In addition, it is extremely sensitive to what the other person feels and can help to stabilize their emotions. Water has phases: liquid, gas and solid, as it is a sign of this element, Scorpio is sensitive to issues that deal with phases, such as the human being's cycle of death and life. And there is one thing in the world that can relate these two themes: sex. Sex is extremely necessary for the reproduction of the species because there is death. Therefore, this sign has a sexual side very touched, therefore, it will be a good partner in this aspect too.

The Cancerian wife is very motherly. Her archetype is related to the nurturing of the mother's womb and the roots of a tree, so she will be a very affectionate partner who will nurture and take care. Like a crab, the shell may be hard, but its interior is soft and therefore has very intense feelings. This wife's love and passion will be deep.

It is important to emphasize that this analysis was based only on the sun, but that the matrimonial vocation needs to be visualized through the entire birth chart: houses, planets, signs, degrees, and positions.



“Curso básico de astrologia”. MARCH, M. D. et al. 1999. São Paulo. Brasil.

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