What is Yoni?

Yoni literally means the vagina. In a general sense it indicates the sexual or reproductive organ or one’s sexual preference. In Sanskrit, Yoni means the womb.

In Indian astrology, one of the factors involved in calculating compatibility is referred to as Yoni Porutham or Yoni compatibility where the Yoni nature of the male and female under study is compared. In other words it indicates if the couple with have a satisfaction with their sex life. The type of yoni can be found out from our Birth Nakshtra.

Types of Yoni

There are 14 different types of Yoni in Vedic astrology and they are used to assess the sexual performance of different natives. The Yonis are classified as Animal types like Serpent, Elephant, Buffalo, Lion, Tiger, Mongoose, Monkey, Horse, Sheep, Dog, Cat, Rat, Cow, Deer. With this classification we can better understand the sexual traits of the different yoni types.

Find your Yoni Type

The Yoni type can be found out by knowing our Birth Nakshatra. Do note that Yoni type is not derived from the Rasi or Moon sign as is commonly misunderstood. Enter your birth particulars to find your Nakshtra and then your Yoni type.

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