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FindYourFate  .  28 Feb 2024  .  1 min read   .   569

Monthly Horoscope Video

The planetary events for March 2024 starts with Mercury transiting to the water sign of Pisces on the 6th. This would help you to find solutions from sources that you thought would be of no help. Venus too transits on this day from Capricorn to Aquarius. This encourages us to reevaluate our relationships and personal values from a different perspective hitherto we never did. Then we have the New Moon for March on the 10th. This New Moon offers a fresh start or means new beginnings and hence is a good time to explore new opportunities. Few days down the line, the Sun transits to the sign of Pisces on the 14th of March and this would be a time of heightened sensitivity and emotions.

The following day on the 15th, we would see Mars transiting to the sign of Aquarius. This will bring out the humane nature in you. You desire to make a difference in the world around. After a lull period for about ten days, on the 25th of March, the Full Moon comes up in the sign of Virgo and it also happens to be a lunar eclipse. This is a time when we can look at the details around much deeper and bring about more structure to our lives, a time to heal as well. On this same day, Mercury transits to Aries which would strengthen our money affairs and brings about prosperity. The month unwinds with Venus, transiting to Pisces on the 31st. This would be a major celestial event which would bring about a shift in the way we approach our relationships.

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Monthly Forecast March 2024 | Monthly Horoscope Prediction March 2024 |

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