
Comparison between Individual charts

After having thoroughly examined the individual chart for its basic relationship potential, we can begin our comparison of the individual charts involved. First, we should examine the chart of the partner the same way and see if the factors for relationship are similar, or if the chart of one or the other will compensate for or augment the difficulties in the charts of the other.

Generally, we are attracted to someone different than ourselves. We are not seeking to be married to ourselves. Hence, it is not always good if the charts are too much alike. On the other hand, the two charts must have enough in common to be able to communicate. There should be a balance of corresponding and complimentary factors, like the interchange of masculine and feminine planets.

One planetary type is not necessarily better than any other is. Higher and lower types exist for each planet. These depend upon the ability of the person to bring in the spiritual energy of the planet.

Factors of Detachments

Above all, there should be a sharing of primary goals in life. A person of spiritual bent should be careful in marrying a person of commercial disposition, for example. The long-term compatibility of values and daily activity is more important than short term infatuation. Issues of children, finance and work should be examined as well. Even strong emotional or spiritual ties may not be enough if these issues are not in harmony.