For Dhanus Rasi natives, this year, Rahu would be moving from the 7th house of marriage to the 6th house of health and well being. This Is a favorable transit for the natives.
And Ketu transits from the Ascendant house to the 12th which is also a good transit for the natives. Saturn posited in the 2nd house during this transit also forebodes goodness in life. However Jupiter is not favourably disposed and might hamper betterment in life for quite sometime. Career and finances stand to get affected by Jupiter.
Rahu in the 7th house would have given you untold sufferings, worries and troubles in life. Now it transits to your 6th house which would bring goodness for you. Problems in marital life would get resolved during this transit period. Peace and harmony would prevail at home. When Jupiter or Guru moves to your 2nd house through this transit period, your finances would improve, then there would be good financial inflow. Your loans debts would be paid off and you would start saving. You would get a great sense of relief. Property related law suits would be solved amicably with the others involved.
As Ketu was transiting your Ascendant house, you would have gone through some major health concerns. Now it transits to your 12th house. This promises you luck and fortune. You would be able to attract influential people to your fold. Business prospects improve now thanks to this Ketu transit. Those in services would be able to earn the goodwill of their authorities and peers in work place. Spiritual inclinations would increase these days. Your health and well being would be better. Old friends might come back to you. Gainful period assured for the natives in general.
Rahu Ketu Peyarchi Palangal for 12 Rasis
Rahu is the ascending node and Ketu is the descending node of Moon. They are called as the Dragon's head and the Dragon's tail in Western astrology. Rahu is a shadowy planet worshipped as a deity in Indian astrology. Rahu is said to rule all dark forces and black practices. Rahu is the planet that rules the activities of sudden losses or sudden profits.