Jupiter – Venus Conjunction – (March 1 – 2)
Venus Transits Aries –(March 11 – April 5)
Mars Transits Gemini –(March 12 – May 10)
Sun Transits Pisces –(March 14 – April 14)
Venus joined Jupiter in the watery sign of Pisces on the 15th of February 2023 and would be so till the 11th of March and the exact conjunction of the planets takes place between the 1st and the 2nd of March. Though this combination is a good factor to behold, the position of the Moon’s North Node in the neighbouring sign of Aries and Saturn placed on the other side in Aquarius, things would be quite hard around.
Both Jupiter and Venus are known to be planets ruling over teaching and hence around this day all academic related pursuits would be greatly favored. Between March 1 and 2, both Jupiter and Venus would be at exactly 18 degrees of Pisces. This conjunction favors the starting of new relationships and projects. In fact, Pisces would become a friendly watery area to swim on. There would be more enthusiasm and some important lessons would be taught to us as the conjunction is enacted.
As March 2023 starts, the Moon would be waxing and gets Full at 23 degrees of Leo on the 7th of March. This full moon is all about healing and transformation. The energy of the Full Moon guides us through some unstable and obstructive grounds around. The other luminary Sun would be at 23 degrees of Aquarius just opposite- resulting in the Full Moon.
Presently Moon is in Leo all alone. However it is aspected by a hoard of planets from around. This might question you as to whether you can continue your forward journey. However the Full Moon would makes sure that we are undaunted by the challenges, our vision is clear and we forge ahead despite not knowing what is ahead.
On the 11th of March, Venus moves from the sign of Pisces into Aries and would be here till the 5th of April. Till now, Rahu or the Moon’s north node has been the sole occupant of Aries for quite a long time. In Aries, Rahu brought about chaos and there was lack of transparency. Now with Venus entering Aries, things brighten up a bit. Slowly a train of planets including Mercury, Sun and Jupiter are in line to enter the sign of Aries.
Aries is full of masculine, fiery energy and Venus is not quite comfortably placed in Aries. Hence this transit asks us to give up our likeness for beauty and elegance to practicality and utility in our longer interests. All through its journey through Aries, Venus is in the company or Rahu or the Moon’s North Node. This favors joint ventures in politics, relationships and creative pursuits. The exact conjunction (0 deg) of Venus with Rahu occurs on the 21st of March at 12 degrees of Aries.
Mars that has been traversing through the sign of Taurus as March 2023 started would move over to the adjoining sign of Gemini on the 12th of March. Mars would be posited in Gemini till the 10th of May. Mars is all about power, energy and resources handling.
In Taurus, Mars was not that comfortable, it would have been forced to subdue its energy and activity. However with the shift to Gemini, Mars gains some strength. With Mars in Gemini, the houses of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn get power due to its placement and aspects.
As Mars treads through Gemini, we would feel that our energy is used quite efficiently and discreetly. We would get control of our drive ahead and there would be powerful forward movement from hereon.
For the past two months, the Sun transited through Capricorn and Aquarius, the abode of Saturn. This was not quite a friendly retreat for Sun as S\aturn happens to be not in good terms with the Sun. Now on the 14th of March, the Sun moves over to the sign of Pisces, the home of Jupiter, which is a friendly territory for Sun.
But do note that the sign of Pisces is being sided by Rahu in Aries on one side and Saturn in Aquarius on the other. The Sun joining with Jupiter in its own sign of Pisces is a good placement to behold for now. This brings optimism and improves our creative skills.
The Sun in Pisces would be aspecting the sign of Virgo for the one month period between mid-March and mid-April. This would bring about some clarity around. However Sun in Pisces would guide us to move ahead at the same shedding off some unwanted baggage behind.
Mercury would be transiting through the sign of Aquarius as March starts and then on the 15th would travel to the adjacent house of Pisces. Here it would stay till the month ends on the 31st. Mercury in Pisces helps us to move ahead with energy, but maintaining and watching our steps as well with caution and diligence.
Mercury had followed the Sun into the sign of Pisces and gets into combustion as well with the Sun. However in a couple of days Mercury gets out of the sight of the Sun and moves forward with speed. Then on the 27th of March, Mercury gets into exact conjunction with Jupiter posited in Pisces. And as the month ends, Mercury would be getting out of its association with the Sun and Jupiter and would be entering the sign of Aries, where it gets the company of Rahu and Venus posited therein.
In the sign of Pisces, Mercury however is at its lowest and is said to be debilitated. However the presence of Jupiter around would help Mercury. This Mercury-Jupiter combination helps us to improve our communications and tackle our learning process if there had been some impediments. As March unwinds and April dawns, Mercury would be through the signs of Aries and then into Taurus and enters the pre-shadow period where a retrograde phase is due somewhere around the middle of April.
The New Moon for March occurs on the 21st day which is a Tuesday at 7 degrees of Pisces where both the luminaries, namely the Sun and the Mon join together. The New Moon would be in the company of Jupiter and Mercury as well in the sign of Pisces. This New Moon is a time for pruning our relationships in personal and professional arena and moving forward. It is a time for initiating new growth and incorporating our past life lessons. The New Moon highlights the Piscean energy now.
The New moon day also happens to be the Spring Equinox which marks the start of the Spring season for the year.