Eclipses - 2019

Eclipses don't just have a visual impact, they also have a great personal impact as well, they say. Eclipses are dramatic wild cards to be played in our horoscopes. They bring about major changes into our routine lives. They surprise us, shake us from the bottom up and play with our emotions and feelings.

In ancient times, the eclipses were taken as negative omens that occur in the sky. During an eclipse, a shadow period occurs on the earth as the Sun or the Moon is blocked and this was taken as a negative event by our fore-fathers. Eclipses are found to bring about turbulences across nations and continents. For individuals, the house where the eclipse occurs would be severely affected for about 6 months.

Here's the list of the eclipses due for the year 2019, details about their occurrence, duration, and the like This is a list of the solar and lunar eclipses that take place in year 2019. We humans like to live in our comfort zones but once in a while we need a kick in the butt to keep us on our toes. The eclipses act on this and they visit us around four to six times a year, putting us back to action. Eclipses break patterns in our lives and shift our focus. It is best to remain low until the eclipse has gone and the dust settles down before we venture out into action.

Solar Eclipses

During Solar Eclipses the Moon is directly between the Earth and Sun, where the Sun and the Moon are said to be in conjunction. For some time the puny little Moon would have the capability to block out the Sun and turning off the lights on the earth. This might take away our perspectives in life. Solar eclipses are said to take away fixed patterns and push us into unknown realms. Though this might cause upheavals in our life, they are excellent growth promoters.

Lunar Eclipses

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth is exactly between the Sun and the Moon where the luminaries Sun and Moon are said to be in opposition. Then we can see the Earth’s shadow turning the luminous Full Moon intense shades of reds, browns and grays. Lunar eclipses help us to know about our true self and not how we project ourselves to the outside world. Lunar eclipses are great time for self-discovery.

Type of eclipse
Partial Solar Eclipse
5/6 January 2019
Total Lunar Eclipse
20/21 January 2019
Total Solar Eclipse
02 July 2019
Partial Lunar Eclipse
16/17 July 2019
Annular Solar Eclipse
26 December 2019

5/6 January 2019 - Partial Solar Eclipse - More on Partial Solar Eclipse

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse: East in Asia, Pacific.

20/21 January 2019 - Total Lunar Eclipse - More on Total Lunar Eclipse

Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North/East Africa, North America, North/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

Entire eclipse visible from start to end.

Entire partial and total phases visible. Misses part of penumbral phase

Entire total phase visible. Misses part of partial & penumbral phases.

Some of the total phase visible. Misses part of total, partial & penumbral phases.

Some of the partial phase visible. Misses total phase and part of partial & penumbral phases.

Some of the penumbral phase visible. Misses total & partial phases.

Eclipse not visible at all.

2 July 2019 - Total Solar Eclipse - More on Solar Eclipse

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse : South in North America, Much of South America, Pacific.

16/17 July 2019 - Partial Lunar Eclipse - More on Lunar Eclipse

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse : Much of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, Africa, South/East North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

26 December 2019 - Annular Solar Eclipse

The central track of the annular eclipse crosses the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, southern India, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines and Guam. A partial eclipse is visible from a much larger region covering much of Asia, northeast Africa, Oceana and western Australia.

Related Links

• Meteor Shower 2019

• Eclipse in the 12 Houses of Astrology

• Ruling planet

2018 Eclipse

2019 Eclipse

2020 Eclipse