Mercury Retrograde in Pisces - February 2020

The first phase of Mercury retrograde for the year 2020 occurs between February 17 and March 10 in the zodiac houses of Aquarius and Pisces.

• Pre-shadow Period :
February 1- February 17

• Actual Retrograde Phase :
February 18- March 9

• Post Shadow Period :
March 10 to March 29

Jan 16, 2020 18:30 Mercury Enters Aquarius
Feb 03, 2020 11:42 Mercury Enters Pisces
Feb 17, 2020 00:54 Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces
Mar 04, 2020 11:37 Retrograde Mercury transits Aquarius
Mar 10, 2020 03:48 Mercury goes Direct in Aquarius
Mar 16, 2020 07:23 Mercury Enters Pisces
Time: GMT

All the retrograde motions of Mercury in the year 2020 happen in water signs. Water signs in general are very emotional and sentimental. Airy sign like Aquarius is concerned with sensible reasoning, imagination and feelings. These above traits get enhanced as Mercury goes retrograde from the watery sign of Pisces into the airy sign of Aquarius this time around.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

With Mercury retrograding in the Water sign of Pisces, we can expect some changes in the way we handle our emotions. Generally Mercury is not quite comfortable traversing the zodiac sign of Pisces. And it would be even more challenging for Mercury to go through Aquarius as it retrogrades. This Mercury retrograde period helps us to correct ourselves when we react to situations without thinking. There would be a psychological cleaning on our inner part now.

Though Mercury through Pisces leads to confusion, deception and disillusion, our creative, spiritual and compassionate nature would be brought to the fore. We would be given certain second chances in life. An old wound gets time to heal now. You would be brought back to your spiritual realm.

Mercury in Pisces makes us to question our creativity at times. During the retrograde period natives are advised to be conscious of their moves without much mental strain. Also advised to avoid negativity around.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

As there is the combination of water sign and air sign involved during this retrograde phase of Mercury there would be a good mix of sensitivity and aloofness. Hence we are asked to combine our emotions with our communications and social interactions in a very cautious manner. Mercury in Pisces would make our minds wander and linger around.

In the case of Pisces, time has no meaning, hence Mercury retrograde might meddle with our schedules and appointments. Set some reminders to avoid last minute hitches. Also our creative ventures would meet with some impediments or the other these days. Do not expect constant progress for now.

Then as Mercury transits to Aquarius, the airy sign which also rules over intellect a totally different experience is in store. The way we interact socially takes a beating. Technology break-downs would be quite common, do not lose your cool. Double-check your communications.

Zodiac signs affected by February 2020 Mercury retrograde

When Mercury goes retrograde every time, its houses Gemini and Virgo are the two sun signs that get heavily affected. Also the house where the retrograde happens is also influenced. It also affects the signs that share the same element as that of the sign where the retrograde occurs. Check out the effect of the Mercury retrograde in February 2020.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Aries

The Mercury retrograde of February 2020 takes place in the zodiac house of Pisces, which is your 12th house. Hence areas ruled by this house stand to get affected. This period, you would be very impulsive and your tempers run high as you would not be able to meet your expectations in certain areas. You get exasperated as things do not move the way you want them to be. Patience is the key to survive this period. This is a time when your force does not work, keep calm and hit the accelerator once Mercury goes direct.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Taurus

The Mercury retrograde of February 2020 happens in the 11th house of Pisces for Taurus folks. This period, you would not be allowed to stay calm and composed. Things do not pass the way you intended. Despite being careful and conscious, you make impulsive decisions and end up on the wrong side of the road. Your anger with loved ones goes out of block. Communication in personal matters also takes a beating as also your social side.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Gemini

The February 2020 Mercury retrograde happens in the 10th house of Pisces for Gemini natives. Your whole world would go haywire as Mercury happens to be your ruler. But then you are one who can alter changes in your favor. Do find an alternate solution for your troubles. Welcome challenges that come your way and do not hurry this period. Arm yourself for communication breakdowns and last minute hiccups. You better brace up for this storm.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Cancer

Your 9th house of Pisces would be hosting the February 2020 phase of Mercury retrograde. Be ready for an emotional roller coaster ride this period. You would have your hands full, but then you would like to retract to your shell for a rest. Personal life goes in for a twist, do not breakdown. Keep your composure. Find ways to insulate from these shocks. A testing time for Cancer folks, do remain low for now.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Leo

The February 2020 Mercury retrograde takes place in the 8th house of Pisces for Leo folks. Through this period, you would fail to meet your deadlines, let alone lose yourself out in the limelight. Your energy trickles down and you go off-tract for now. All sorts of communication issues crop in. Social and personal life suffer a lot for lack of straight forward approach. Have a Plan B option for all your ventures.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Virgo

The 7th house of relationship, namely, Pisces would be hosting the first phase of retrograde Mercury during February 2020. This would be a trying period for most Virgo folks. With Mercury as your ruler , your troubles would be double-fold. Relationships betray you. Your routine, order would be thrown to the wind. A sense of uncertainty revolves around. This would be a time when you are asked to adapt to the situations around and remain low.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Libra

The first phase of Mercury retrograde during February 2020 occurs in the 6th house for Libra guys. This might cause some health issues and financial debacles. Relationship troubles would be galore as communications go haywire. Find other ways to soothe relationships. Also check on agreements or other papers you sign these days. Some old flames come back much to your chagrin.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Scorpio

The 5th house of Pisces plays host to the February 2020 Mercury retrograde motion for Scorpio guys. This Mercury retrograde takes you on a roller coaster ride. Make good use of the ups and downs to learn the nuances of your trade. However do note that this is not going to last for long. Hence you can breathe in easily. Your patience would be quite rewarding in the end.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Sagittarius

The February 2020 phase of Mercury retrograde occurs in your 4th house of Pisces, Sage. Hence areas ruled by this house like domestic welfare and happiness and maternal relationships stand to get affected. Being on the adventurous side, be prepared to experience some mishaps here. Also your travel plans and communications get affected this period. Making alternate plans and settling down for sometime would spare you for now.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Capricorn

The 3rd house of Pisces plays host to the 2020 February Mercury retrograde motion for Capricorn natives. All your professional plans now meet with a dead end. And you are not one to sit idle. Also your organizing capacity would be thrown to the wind. If you are an employer, troubles seem all around you. This would be a time when Capricorn guys better go in for meditation or some spiritual pursuits to soothe their spirits.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Aquarius

This Mercury retrograde motion of February 2020 happens in the 2nd house of Pisces for Aquarius. And this means that family, education and finances in particular are in for some trouble . Be prepared to handle some electronic crashes this period. This would be quite a challenging period for many natives, but you can find an alternate route though. Adapting to the existing scenario helps you a lot in the long run too.

Mercury Retrograde Effects on Pisces

Mercury goes retrograde in your house during February 2020. Brace yourself for a stressful period ahead. These days, your intuition, feelings and guesses go out of mark. There would be confusion around. You would hesitate to trust even your gut feelings. This is a time to escape the routine and find a place f solitude and peace. Use your creativity to find an outlet out of all the melodrama outside you.

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