2023 Sagittarius Planetary Influences



Mercury starts the year 2023 by going retrograde in the 2nd house of finances for Sagittarius natives. It also ends the year retrograding in the same 2nd house of Capricorn. This would bring about financial troubles for the natives. You would be at the crossroads of a financial trouble then. Try to ease yourself, lay low and find ways to stay frugal and bank on any resources that come your way.

In April-May 2023, Mercury undergoes its second retrograde phase in your 6th house of Taurus affecting your work sector. Some health issues, loans an loses might stare at your face. Yet another retrograde of Mercury happens in the 10th house of Virgo between August and September of 2023. Your professional life meets with impediments around this time. However this is a great time for pursuing a second chance of your career ventures.

Venus, the planet of love goes retrograde in the 9th house of Leo between late July and early September for the Sages. This might make you a bit lazy with your ideas. You would slow down a bit becoming sluggish and unmotivated.

Mars would have already transits this 9th house of the mind between the middle of May and the middle of July. This makes you more optimistic and you would be coming up with some innovative ideas. More life experiences also come your way during this transit period.

Mars would be entering your sign during the last week of November and would stay here for the rest of the year. This would give you loads of energy to pursue the ambitions and ideas you have. Your would be more excited and your enthusiasm would be at its best during the period.

Saturn stays in your 3rd house till early March as it had been for quite sometime now. Then it transits to your 4th house of Pisces. This would highlight your domestic life and you would be able to express yourself better aided by the more disciplined Saturn.

Pluto in your 2nd house of Capricorn transits to the 3rd house of Aquarius in March 2023 and would be there till June. Pluto gives you the passion to pursue your ideas and plans. You would be more intense and unforgiving these days. You lead any conversation around.

A lunar eclipse is due in your 12th house of Scorpio on the 5th of April this year. This brings the emphasis back on your subconscious mind. This guides you to dig deeper and relieve some old baggage that you have been clinging onto for long. This eclipse season is most likely to be quite an energy draining period for the Sagittarians unlike the other eclipses for the year.

Sagittarius 2023- Planetary Influences on Love and Relationships

Jupiter transits the 5th house of love as 2023 begins. This highlights your love life. With Jupiter staying in Aries till May 2023, Sages would have a quite an exciting period in their love life. Peace and harmony would prevail in their relationships and they would come a bit closer to their partners like never before.

A solar eclipse is due to occur in your 5th house of Aries too. This would be a period of intense emotions and high energy levels that the Sage would be fully pumped up. Make good use of this eclipse period to nurture your love and marriage life. Expect major changes coming your way in this area.

Sagittarius 2023 – Planetary Influences on Home and Family

The 4th house of domestic welfare for Sagittarians would be transited by Saturn in early March this year. This would teach you important life lessons on the family front. Some old family issues that have been long put in the backburner might come to the fore now. You ought to tackle it would caution and commitment. Saturn makes you more committed and grounded in the family sector.

Neptune had been long transiting through your 4th house of Pisces and would be here for the whole year too. This would connect your domestic life with your spiritual pursuits. Through the year you would be able to better commit for your family welfare. Peace and harmony would prevail at home for the period. Neptune makes you quite emotional on the homefront, but make sure that you are not being utilised or being taken for granted.

Sagittarius 2023 – Planetary Influences on Money

Mercury retrogrades in your 2nd house of Capricorn both during the start of the year 2023 and also as it ends. This would bring about certain financial issues that have not been meted out before in your life. Mercury retrograde as always might bring about financial hiccups, unwanted expenditure and the like, stay focussed and commit to your finances and save some.

The outer planet Pluto transits your money sector of Capricorn till March 2023. It would visit your 2nd house again in mid-June to stay here till the year end. Pluto in your 2nd house would bring about major changes in your financial life through the year, it gives a sense of security in this area despite troubles around.

Sagittarius 2023 – Planetary Influences on Career

Mercury retrogrades in your 6th house of work, namely the house of Taurus between the middle of April and the middle of May. This would bring about certain challenges in your career field. Work becomes too much of a stress to you. Take occasional breaks and get time to rewind during this retrograde season.

Again in August-September, Mercury retrogrades in the 10th house of Virgo for the Sages highlighting the career field yet again. This would bring about delays and hindrances in your career field. You might be getting the recognition you ought to get in profession and there might be rifts with authorities and colleagues in work place. Be practical and remain disciplined, work your way out to the top during these tough times.

Jupiter transits to the 6th house of work in mid-May and continues for the rest of 2023, and this makes you enjoy the work you are currently pursuing. Now you know your work capabilities but do not bite more than you can chew.

All through the year 2023, Uranus transits through your 6th house of work namely, Pisces. It would be brining about changes in your work life like a relocation, switch of job, promotions and the like. Be prepared for a major make-over of your work environment this year.

2022 Sagittarius Planetary Influences