Mercury in Aries –(March 31 – June 7 )
Venus in Taurus –(April 5 – May 1 )
Sun in Aries-( April 14 – May 14 )
New Moon -Total Solar Eclipse in Aries- April 19-20
Mercury that has been transiting through Pisces during March 2023, transits to Aries, the home of Mars on the 31 st of March. Here Mercury would be staying for quite a long time till the start of June and is due for a retrograde cycle around the 20’s of April.
As April progresses, Mercury readies itself for yet another retrograde motion that extends from 21 st of April to the 14 th of May. This is going to cause some disturbances around, be cautious. There is an exchange of signs between Mercury and Mars, in that Mercury has entered Aries, the abode of Mars and Mars has entered the sign of Gemini, the home of Mercury. Both these houses are masculine signs and Mars is a fiery planet while Mercury is an airy one.
Together the Mars-Mercury duo would help you to kick start things. Though things do not go as planned thanks to the ensuing retrograde motion of Mercury, there would be some forward movement and some lessons to be learnt. Though Mercury and Mars are not true buddies, they make good work companions. Mercury helps to soothe the controlling nature of Mars and Mars just helps Mercury to aid us in focusing. Things really get excited with much happening around as the retrograde phase of Mercury approaches.
The Full Moon for April occurs on the 5 th of April, wherein the Moon would be at 22 degrees of Virgo and the Sun at 22 degrees of Pisces, in exact opposition (180 deg). In Pisces, the Sun would be in the company of Jupiter being in its own sign. Moon is in Mercury’s house of Virgo now.
This Full Moon would be a great opportunity to bring about a good balance between our emotions and intelligence. During this Full Moon Mercury would be conjoined with Rahu or the Moon’s North Node and would bring about struggles with finances and power.
Closely following the Full Moon, Venus moves from the sign of Aries into Taurus on the 5 th of April as well and would be here till the 1 st of May. Venus is quite at rest and peace in its own sign of Taurus. This is a stable position for Venus.
Venus in Taurus is sandwiched between some powerful placements in Aries and Gemini. This makes us to stay active through the period and at the same time maintaining calm and peace. Take good rest, balanced food and stay in friendly places.
Venus in its own abode of Taurus is just great for our creative pursuits and rejuvenating ourselves. Go and join the music club that has been long on your agenda or any painting workshop if that entices you. Get your hands dirty, connect to the earth, pursue some intense gardening with Taurus being an earthy sign, the fruits would be really worth the effort.
On the 14 th of April, the Sun in Pisces moves over to the sign of Aries, thus once again starting its tour around the zodiacs. In Aries, the Sun is said to be Exalted, the Sun enters the company of Rahu or Mercury in Aries. Add to this the intense fiery energy of Mars being brought out by Mercury by its exchange of signs as well. The Sun stays in Aries till mid- May. We are in for a total solar eclipse shortly on the 19 th of April.
With Spring already on, this is a period that encourages bold and daring ideas. Be prepared to handle sudden events, have a Plan B always and keep going. Avenues open and close at the blink of an eye, make good use of the opportunities that come your way these days. Rahu along with Mercury might create some kind of turbulence around.
The Sun in Aries would be aspected by Saturn from Aquarius and this is likely to hinder and obstruct our path for quite sometime. Do not push on stiff walls with force, this would result in just a loss of your energy, there would not be any major breakthroughs. Instead step back, relax, have a better perspective of what lies ahead and wait for things to open on their own without much of your effort.
On the 19 th of April, the luminaries Sun and Moon join together at 6 degrees of Aries to form a New Moon. And this conjunction is just short of a few degrees from Rahu or the Moon’s north node and this forms a total solar eclipse. This eclipse would be visible in Australia and the South Pacific countries.
With this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Rahu and Mercury are all present in the sign of Aries. Saturn would be aspecting these from the sign of Aquarius. Mars also gets into this act by being in the house of Gemini which is the home of Mercury. And Jupiter is in close proximity to the luminaries in the house of Pisces though, just short of a few degrees.
This Eclipse guides us to get to the root of things and find out what drives us and what blocks us. As the Sun gets blocked during this eclipse we would be reminded that our ego is obstructing our progress in life. Get rid of anything that is too clingy and be ready to start things afresh once the eclipse is over. While all New Moons lower our energy levels this eclipse would further strain our energy resources. This is a time to take some rest, pause and be patient over things that are to come up later on.
As soon as the Solar Eclipse ends, Mercury gets into retrograde phase on the 21 st of April in the sign of Aries, at 22 degrees and would be so till the 14 th of May. From April 21 st through the 14 th of May, Mercury would be back tracking putting us to an edit mode. On 14 th May, Mercury would have reached 12 degrees of Aries and would start its forward motion once again gaining speed.
Expect things to be in chaos and messy all around this Mercury retrograde phase. For some of you this time period would bring about some Eureka moments as well. Just slow down these days and assess your standing. You can get a better perspective of things when things around seem to go slow.
As April starts, Jupiter would be transiting through the final degrees of Pisces and on the 21 st of April would enter the sign of Aries. From hereon Jupiter would be in Aries till the 30 th of April, 2024 for about one year period.
Once in Aries, Jupiter gets the aspect of Saturn, again restricting it. However when both these planets go retrograde this limitation would be lifted a bit, giving a little breather. However the aspect of Saturn on Jupiter might be quite beneficial given the fact that Saturn stands to aspect the north node of Moon as well, thus restricting its instability.
Jupiter and Rahu stay put together in Aries till October after which Rahu moves over to the next house position. Jupiter and Rahu together aspect the sign of Libra and being in Aries, this duo would affect the other fiery signs of Leo and Sagittarius as well. Lastly Jupiter was found transiting the sign of Aries between May 2011 and May 2012, do look out for clues from this timeline.
In Aries, Jupiter is said to be in friendly territory. From here on it would be a smooth climb up the stairs, but the climb might be a little bumpy and slow. Use this position of Jupiter or Guru to plan for your future based on the lessons you learnt from the past. With the Solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde around natives are advised to refrain from making any major decisions despite Jupiter being in friendly space as the plates around are shifting.