2020 Gemini Horoscope

Gemini Horoscope 2020 | Predictions 2020 | Astrology 2020

A whole new year of activities are ahead for Gemini natives. You would have your hands full for most of the period. There would be new hopes and avenues for improvement in life. A good time to spice up your life with innovative ideas and projects rather than sticking to routine works. You would be forced out of your comfort zone these days. Spend ample time on relationships as your near and dear ones need your shoulder for now.

Also you need to adapt to new situations around rather than barking around for nothing. Certain compromises need to be made en-route.

Career horoscope 2020 For Gemini

The career life of Gemini folks would be a smooth sail this year. A sense of calmness and serenity would prevail around. You would be able to evaluate your career so far and make changes if necessary. The year 2020 would be a good period to make a relocation or job-change if you are vying for the same. Put in some extra work and commitment to get high up in the career arena. The middle of the year, particularly favours some major revamps in this sector. You would be able to establish new connections and links that would go a long way in increasing your career or business bandwidth. Geminis into business would find the year more profitable and lucrative deals can be signed.

Love and Marriage horoscope 2020 For Gemini

Geminis would have a happy and intense love life through the year ahead. Anything unresolved for the past year or so gets cleared up now. For the next one year period, things would not be all that rosy however. Troubles, rifts, temporary separations from partner are probable, but then you would have the guts and the energy to handle these situations amicably. You would have an innate need to be loved and to love these days ahead.

You would be more emotional and sensual for the year. And your frustrating and impatient nature might mar relationships at times. Things depend on how well you react to the situations around you. Better management of your feelings and moods would go a long way in nurturing your relationship with your love rather than landing you in murkier waters. Those already married or in a relationship would find the year quite favourable to affirm your stand. There would be moments when you would be able to understand or see your partner in a better light. Expect good tidings in the love front as the year progresses.

Finance horoscope 2020 For Gemini

The year 2020 does not seem to be quite a good period for the financial status of Gemini folks. A certain level of awareness is needed on your part to stay firm on solid ground during turbulent financial periods ahead. Be pessimistic and stay away from indulging into material possessions for now. Spare your pleasures for now as the inflow would be just to meet your needs and not your desires.

However things shall turn positive as the year reaches the second half. Some effort and commitment on your part would improve your financials in a better way. Stay positive, find means and ways to improve the inflow of finds as the year moves on. Balancing your budget by putting things around to account would help you a lot in the long run ahead. Final word of advise on the financial side is to save with all your might as much as you can as troubled periods are ahead. Be prepared to handle unwanted expenses of sorts as the year ends.

Health horoscope 2020 For Gemini

The year 2020 would slow down the general pace of Gemini natives. Your energy levels dwindle and your physical and mental health are in for a major changeover. Though life has its ups and downs do not be bogged down by the stress and strain it offers. Do not take them to heart, which would fail your mental health in general. Also do not load yourself with much intellectual works as that would bother your spirits. Take periodic time off from work to relax and rejuvenate. Resort to some sort of recreational activities and sport that improves your physical self too. A good time to kick off any bad health habits from your part.

Family & lifestyle in 2020

The year 2020 predicts a sort of detachment from family and near ones for Gemini guys. You would become more focussed on your own personal goals and ambitions during the year ahead. You would be more inclined towards the self. The material world tempts you. There would be lots of distractions that deviate you away from home and family these days. But then do not let family under-estimate your performance. Be there for them when they need you the most, particularly during turmoils around. Some of the hard lessons regarding family and home would be learnt during the year ahead. However don't let negativity ruin your personal relationship with family and friends these days.

Advice For Gemini in 2020

Gemini natives are advised to go slow for the period ahead as this would help you win situations around. Focus your energy to things of utmost importance now rather than scattering it around. Patience and perseverance would be taking you places through the year ahead.

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2020 Horoscope Month by Month


During the last quarter of January, Sun and Saturn form a benefic favourable position for Leo guys. Till then natives are advised to go slow or lay low. Then there would be a better confidence level and assertive feeling around. Some spring-cleaning can be taken this month. A good time to prune relationships at home and office too. You would be intellectually blessed this month. Hence January would be a great time for the academic pursuits of Gemini folks.


Favorable planetary positions exist all this month for Gemini guys. Hence the going would be easy. Sun, Neptune and Pluto are in benefic positions and make life quite comfortable for now. But then around the middle of the month, Uranus and Mercury would be in square aspect bringing about some harsh environment around. This would make you impatient and make you do the wrong things in life. Though things seem good around, beware of troubles around. Through the month your intellectual nature comes to the fore, roping in potential friends for life. However be wary of your words as this might hurt some around.


During March 2020, Sun and Mercury are in square relation (90 deg) with Pluto which loiters in your opposite sign. Hence though you are a bit inquisitive, stay grounded. Keep your emotions and feelings under check for now. Be practical. Do think twice before venturing out with any project as the square aspect might bring about obstructions and hindrances of sorts these days.


This April 2020 starts on a peaceful note for Gemini folks. Then around the middle of the month when Venus enters your sign, there would be an arousal of your senses. Stay in control over your love, emotions, and feelings all this month as trouble lurks around. Your knowledge base increases these days. This period is apt enough to pursue some form of meditation or take time to contemplate about your future plans and actions. A scope remains for fun and frolic but then make sure that you do not overdo anything, do not be indulgent.


For Gemini guys, Mars bring about the passions and emotions to the foreground. This is because the planets Venus , Mars and Uranus are in square aspect to each other. There would be an yearning for pleasure and indulgence, be cautious. You need to bring your emotions to positive sense. Some spiritual resorts would help you to achieve peace in the course of the month. You would be at your best intellectual level this May. You ought to be mentally strong to overcomes the strong emotional desires due for the period. Do not be too inquisitive now, as trouble lurks around.


Happy birthday Gemini. The Sun is in your sign and there is no dearth of energy for now. You are at your best these days. Your energy levels would be quite high. All these days be thankful for the people who have helped you to attain your current position in life. The planets Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto would be beneficially aspecting the Sun present in your sign. You would be at your intellect best this month. Beware of unwanted expenditure on the roll though. Your confidence level would be quite high, channel this towards constructive purposes in life.


Gemini people have Pluto in opposition (180 deg) to their sign. This is a more malefic aspect and hence your usual intellect level would be grounded and feelings might take the centre-stage. This would be an apt time to find where you stand in a spiritual perspective. Your faith and hope might be tested these days. However this testing adds to your strengths. Pluto aids you in finding your emotional footing for now. And Venus and Mercury beneficially aspect the Sun and hence things around you seem quite fair and good for you in a future perspective.


Gemini folks have the planet Uranus in square (90 deg) to their sign. This is a malefic aspect and makes you confused and worries all these days. But then the other planets namely, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto aid your spiritual pursuits and give you mental strength. They inspire you more on faith and hope. And natives are advised to go slow all this August. Your intellect would be highlighted this month. But then do realize that nothing is permanent here on planet earth. Be ready for ups and downs in your professional life through the month. Because anything that goes up must come down.


Gemini folks would be guided by Mars which equips them with much energy and enthusiasm through this September 2020. But be a bit cautious as the Sun currently in the zodiac sign of Virgo would be in square aspect (90 deg) to the Mars this period. This might bring about arguments and misunderstandings of sorts around in relationships. Do not be stubborn, do not yield either. This would be a good month to go after some spiritual inclinations. This would bring down your nerves. As the month moves on you begin to become quite cool and composed. A good time for introspection as well.


October 2020 has Jupiter in opposition to the sign for Gemini folks. And in turn Jupiter would be in square aspect (90 deg) with Uranus. This advises Gemini guys to remain cautious of the things happening around. A complex situation would be presented to you these days. You would be highly incited yet impulsive as well, slow down. Have the brakes under your control and do not let others overtake your steering this month. You would be very inquisitive all this period. A good time to mind your business and go in for some social and charity works to keep you engaged.


Gemini guys would be having the planets Jupiter and Pluto in opposition (180 deg) to their sign all through this November 2020. However it would be quite a favourable period despite the malefic aspect as Jupiter would subside the influence of Pluto quite considerably. This would be a time that favors your doing good for those around. You would also be quite loving and affectionate these days. Use this positive vibe to spread goodness around. Also this November helps you hone up your skills and regain your confidence.


In December 2020, Mercury and Sun would be in direct opposition (180 deg) to your sign. This would bring you problems from all quarters. You would be pulled in al directions. Your hand would be full of responsibilities. Be cautious and do not bite more than you can chew. Take time off at times. Your intelligence would be brought to the fore these days. Do slow down a bit when things around seem to be rushed up. Prioritize your works.

Gemini horoscopes

Relevant links for Gemini zodiac sign:

More on Gemini Zodiac Sign and traits

The Leisure Pursuits of Gemini

What is the nature of a Gemini Man

How do you seduction tricks of Gemini

Gemini 2020 : Yearly horoscope astrology insights by month

Take a look at the yearly Gemini horoscope 2020 month wise.

Gemini 2020 Forecast Findyourfate .com Rating
January Contemplate your moves
February Academic Pursuits
March Impatient Period
April Family Time
May Emotional Period
June Much Energy
July Plan for future
August Professional upheavals
September Communicate better
October Decisive Period
November Help those in need
December Busy Period

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