Healing Astrology

Vedic Astrology and Healing

Ayurvedic Diets

Good foods for countering the effect of fiery planets like the Sun, Mars, and Ketu:

Anti-Pitta diet is going to counter effect of fiery planets. This diet should include product with following tastes (which decrease Pitta): sweet (sugar, honey, maple syrup, sweet potatoes);

Good foods for countering the effect of watery planets like the Moon and Jupiter:

astringent (celery, cabbage family plants and other greens steamed and with a little oil); bitter (bitter melon, broccoli rabe, endive, chicory). Anti-Kapha diet is going to counter effect of watery planets. This diet should include product with following tastes (which decrease Pitta): pungent (ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cayenne); astringent (celery, cabbage family plants and other greens steamed and with a little oil); bitter (bitter melon, broccoli rabe, endive, chicory).

Ayurvedic Diets

Herbs for increasing solar energy:

Bay leaves, sage, thyme, juniper berries, eucalyptus, basil, bayberry, turmeric.

Some good herbs for Venus:

Rose, aloe, myrrh, saffron, hibiscus, raspberry leaves, asparagus roots, sarsaparilla, jasmine, pennyroyal, parsley, false unicorn, wild carrot.

Some good herbs for Mercury:

Skullcap, sandalwood, basil, mint, valerian, camomile, wintergreen, alfalfa, tea, yarrow, coriander, nettles, plantain.

Tonic herbs and nutritive oils relate to Jupiter:

Jupiter's energy has quality of expansion, vitality, abundance and positive health. Tonic herbs and nutritive oils increase the same type of qualities and that is how they are related to the energy of Jupiter.

Related Links

• Herbs as astrological remedies