Yantra as astrological remedy

Yantra according to astrology is a mystical diagram which inspires a sense of spiritual mystery and fascination. It can also be described as an instrument or apparatus which signifies certain specific Gods and Deities. Yantra is a kind of astrological remedy done for a very long period. When yantra is performed or practiced other remedies cannot be done. It helps in acting as a remedy from the malefic effects of the planet by visible means.

With the help of yantra a person is able to achieve power, wealth and prosperity. The best results can be achieved when yantra is purified with the help of auspicious mantras. We should all understand the fact that any astrological remedy can be performed only by keeping in mind they don't just bring about success directly but aid us in overcoming the hindrances and to tide over difficult situations. Nothing can substitute the effort in a person to achieve success or to overcome obstacles.

yantra as astro-remedy

The sound syllable that constitutes the mantra is highly potent and is effective enough to energize the human system both spiritually and physically.

The mantras energize the feelings and sentiments and give ideas to the soul. It is not effective for not only to the person who is reciting the mantras but also to those who listens to them. The energy based sound coming from the pronunciation of each word in the mantra can cause an actual physical vibration and acts as energy basis for words.

The next level in the chanting of the mantra is its objective where the blending of the sound vibration with the actual mental intention which will lead to an additional mental component, which influences the result of saying it. All the mantras work with a certain frequencies for they are composed of only energy field. This energy works based on a vibration field with its own pattern of frequencies leading to different intonation.


These frequencies and the sympathetic overtones generated by them influence our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous, which are spread in a fine neural network through our internal organs in the body. Thus the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are influenced by the Neuro motor response which is driven by the sympathetic response. The actual base of the mantra according to Upanishads was the 'Parma Akesh' or ancient, the eternal and underlying substratum of the universe. When mantras are chanted it usually influences the left

hemisphere of the brain and the intonation and the melody of the mantras results in enhancing the positive vibrations and thereby removing the negative vibrations from the person. The result is more powerful and the effect is more on the emotions when the mantra is chanted along with a Yantra or a picture of a deity which gives a clear visual image of the goal or attainment of Bhakthi.

positive vibrations

Mantra helps the individuals to realize their inner self and helps us in forming a bridge to the supreme and infinite consciousness.

Mantras can be used for good and bad purposes. When it is chanted for the good purpose it helps the person reciting it and who

is listening to go high in their spiritual growth whereas when it is recited for a bad cause of somebody then the person who recites it will not escape the harmful effects
of the mantra along with this who are targeted. The imperative or the basic things which is required for chanting the mantras are that it needs a spiritual guide or a Guru who can initiate the eight types of special rights to the student. Other than this the person who is going to get educated by the Guru to learn the mantras should be highly determined and have strong will-power to earn the mantras in the right way. They should have belief in what they are doing and also be pure in their thoughts and actions. Following of the asana positions and the breathing techniques is a must.

Surya Yantra

The Sun Yantra is used to awaken a person's energy molecules to move forward successfully in life. We all know that Sun is the most powerful and the leader of all the celestial bodies in the entire Universe. The birth chart of an individual is highly influenced by the Sun for it takes care of various concerns like career growth, mental strength and success. So it is very clear that when a person is highly performing well with all his exhibition of full personality which means the Sun is witnessing the concerned person whereas when a person is facing hardships in achieving success then it is to be noted that the Sun is low-spirited in the natal chart. This is when the Sun Yantra empowers its features like leadership, brilliance and executive power and helps the individual to feel the positive vibration from the Sun God. Through the yantra the Sun God will help in encouraging the dynamism and blocks all the obstacles that stand in the way of the individual to reach his or her goal."Om Suryaya Namaha" is the mantra recommended by the astrologers to be recited 108 times. Being made out of copper the yantras are supposed to be great cosmic conductors of energy from the specific God and has a series of geometric patterns. While praying we should make sure that the concentration of the mind should be focused on the center of the yantra. The yantra should be always faced on an altar facing either North or East direction. It has to be regularly cleaned with rose water or milk. It should be worshipped with sandalwood paste on all the four corners and the center. A ghee lamp is suggested to be lighted in front of the yantra and then the mantra has to be recited.

Moon Yantra

We should never mistake the Moon to be an insignificant planet for it is very potent but subtle helping in calming a person's mind and emotions and thereby resulting in happiness which is the main thing in life. The emotional and the mental balance of a person is decided by the performance of Moon. When the Moon is placed in a weak position say when it is in contact with the malefic planets Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. At such position of the Moon the mind of a person is highly disturbed and they cannot view anything clearly for they are always with a clouded mind. The happiness of a person is decided by the Moon and obviously the Moon yantra acts as a remedy which helps in dissolving disturbance in life. The planet Moon is more of a feminine vibration which governs factors like willingness to receive ideas, love, the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning, motherhood and the ability to be nurturing. Thus when the Moon is weak in a birth chart it leads to various problems related to bodily fluids and cause problems both mentally and emotionally which makes a person lose both the confidence and the courage to face life."Om Chandraya Namaha" is the mantra recommended by the astrologers to be recited 108 times. The Moon yantra is also mostly made of copper and can be worshipped the same way as it was mentioned for the Sun Yantra. Dry or fresh fruits can be offered as prasad for the Moon yantra. The numeric energy pattern engraved on the yantra relates to the number 2.The numbers add up to 18 for each column, and 54 for the total.

Jupiter Yantra

When there is a problem with the positioning of the planet Jupiter in a person's natal chart then the Jupiter yantra can be used. Jupiter is responsible for encouraging the spiritual energy and to fill the environment of a person with positive vibration. Thus when the spiritual energy in a person when awakened it will help the individual to feel the heavenly harmony creeping into his or her life. This yantra is mainly recommended for all those who want to increase their wisdom and knowledge and thereby to achieve success. It acts as a stimulator for having relationships with spiritual benefactors. Stronger the position of the Jupiter in a person's birth chart then equally proportion is the knowledge of the person. Jupiter yantra is also recommended for people who are suffering from diabetes, liver and gallbladder problems, hip disorders, infertility and skin disorders. "Om Gurave Namaha" is the suggested mantra for Jupiter yantra and has to be recited for 108 times after having a bath. It should be always kept on a sacred altar facing either North or East direction.

Mangal Yantra

Mangal dosha is a very common dosha found both equally in men and women and is known by various other names like Chowa dosha, Kuja Dosha, Bhom Dosha or Angarakha Dosha. This is said to occur when the planet Mars falls in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a rashi or the moon chart. When a person is born in this situation then he or she is said to be affected by mangal Dosha. Apart from the incompatibility in marriages, mangalika dosha may also lead to the death of spouse and various other related factors like education, career or profession and child birth being disrupted. There are so many rituals, yantras and mantras which work very well with the Mangal dosha according Vedic astrology which is interpreted by experts in this field. People with Mangal dosha find difficulty in getting into marriage and above all even if they get married it will result in separation and divorce. In rare cases it is believed that for a person with Chowa Dosha may sometime result in unfortunate sudden death of the spouse. Astrology claims that there are two things in astrology which reduces or cancels the effect of Mars dosha - when a person is born on Tuesdays or when a male and a female with Mars dosha gets married. People with Mangal dosha will have difficulties like financial loss and professional troubles. Thus apart from the various astrological remedies suggested by experts the Mangal yantra is a perfect device to work against the ill-effects caused by the malefic Mars planet. "Om Mangalaya Namaha" is the recommended mantra which has to be recited fro 108 times as a standard rule.

Budh Yantra

The Mercury planet is also known as the Budh planet and this planet influences the intense effect on a person's intellect. It governs various other factors like presence of mind, common sense and excellent communication skills. When the planet Mercury is placed in the right position then it is sure to give the native a sound education, communicative and creative skills. Thus a person's logical qualities are mainly based on the position of the planet Mercury in his or her natal chart. But when it is not placed in the right position then it causes obstacles in education and career. To tide over the malefic effect of the planet the Budh or the Mercury yantra plays a major role. The powerful Mercury yantra helps in improving learning abilities, help the individual to be more creative and increase the multitasking skills. At such situations the Budh yantra acts as an energizing agent to nullify the malefic effect of the Mercury planet. The Yantra is a single stop solution to all your academic and career related problems. "Om Budhaya Namaha" is the recommended mantra which has to be recited for 108 times along with the worshipping of the yantra. The positive vibrations of the Mercury yantra also takes care of pregnant women against miscarriage and ensure safe delivery of the baby.

Guru Yantra

Guru is supposed to be the largest of all the planets in the entire Solar system. Guru is noted for his wisdom and knowledge and he imparts fortune, luck, fame and wealth for all those who have Guru placed in the right position in their natal chart. Guru has number of extreme good qualities as his characteristic features. Guru has got the immense energy in him to generate positive vibration around the native. When the divine spiritual character in a person is aroused and when Guru showers his blessings on the native it will lead to the heavenly harmony sinking in the individuals mind and soul. So in situations, when Guru is not in the right place in the birth chart that's when the Guru Yantra acts as a mediator between the Lord of Jupiter, Guru and the individual. When the Guru Yantra is worshipped in the right way it results to a contiguous process of peace enhancing the power of thinking thereby leaving a dynamic level on the living space. The Guru Yantra has to be worshipped the right way for prosperity, power, rank, authority, abundance, wealth and business. The Guru Yantra synchronizes to the distinct frequency of number 27. "Om Gurave Namaha" is the mantra recommended to be recited for 108 times along with the worshipping of the Guru Yantra.

Shani Yantra

Shani is also one among the dreaded planets if it is positioned in the right place in a person's horoscope. It is supposed to be a great malefic planet making things very difficult to the natives resulting in contraction, restriction and limitation. For positives aspects Shani indicates characteristics like long life, authority, leadership, power, aspirations, humbleness, responsibility, righteousness, perception, spirituality, hard work and operational skills. Some of its negative indicator includes loneliness, distress, dejection, old age and death, restriction, undue responsibility, delays, loss of ambition, chronic suffering, losses etc.The two most common ailments caused by the most dreaded planet Saturn are Shani Dosha and Sade Sati. But however certain specific poojas made for the planet Saturn like Shani Puja, Shani Yajna or Homa is believed to a great extent cool down Shani and reduces its malefic effects resulted by Shani graha by way of Sadhe Sati. Other common remedies include the Shani yantra, Shani dosha nivaran pooja which includes Ganpathi Smaran, Shaanti paath, Shani mantra jaap and Shani Havan.Shani is the distributer of karma of our previous and current life. Nobody can escape from his justice. Thus the Shani yantra plays a major role at times of Shani dasha. The Shani yantra is a geometrical configuration of numbers which vibrates to the number 33.The mantra "Om Sanecharaya Namaha" is recited for 108 times by sitting or standing in front of the Yantra, preferably after having a shower.

Shukra Yantra

When the planet Venus also known as Shukra is positioned in Virgo sign then it considered as a weak planet. If this is the position of the Venus planet in a person's birth chart then the native will not enjoy any material happiness. His or her married life will not be happy and also there will be lot of financial crisis. The individuals are prone for accidents. It signifies love, romance, wealth and art in the positive sense. "Om Shukraya Namaha" is the mantra recommended by the astrologers to be recited for 108 times. Being made out of copper the yantras are supposed to be great cosmic conductors of energy from the specific God and has a series of geometric patterns. While praying we should make sure that the concentration of the mind should be focused on the center of the yantra.

Rahu Yantra

Rahu is considered to be an imaginary planet situated in the North point of the lunar node.Rahu along with Ketu leads to a dosha called kala sarpa dosha.Kalasarpa yoga is supposed to be one of the very worst among all the Nabhasa Yogas and is considered to be ill-omened and is sure to cause the fall of a person causing physical deformity or moral weakness, misfortunes, deceit and treason. The only favorable or the positive influence of this dosha is that the person undergoing this dosha gets the power to do relentless and strenuous work with exceptional success in the fields of studies, administrations, philosophy, etc. "Om Rahave Namaha" is the mantra which has to be recited for 108 times along with the worshipping of the Rahu yantra. The yantra should be always faced on an altar facing either North or East direction. It has to be regularly cleaned with rose water or milk. It should be worshipped with sandalwood paste on all the four corners and the center. A ghee lamp is suggested to be lighted in front of the yantra and then the mantra has to be recited.

Ketu Yantra

Ketu is also known as a holy planet. The planet Ketu is situated in the south node, where Rahu forms the head and Ketu constituting the body. When Ketu yantra is worshipped it obstructs all the ill-effects caused by the other planets and showers wealth and prosperity on the native. It is also said to eliminate the effects of diseases and snake bites arising from toxic substances that enter the body of one. The Ketu yantra has to be worshipped along with reciting of the mantra "Om Namaha Ketave" for 108 times.