Scorpio Compatibility

Scorpio Love Compatibility Horoscope 2021

Scorpio Compatibility for 2021

The7th house of Taurus for Scorpio natives does not have any major planetary positions for the year 2021. Hence love and marriage would not be of that much of a priority for you now. However your social life would expand and friends would play a vital role in your life. Your 7th lord Venus is comfortably placed for most of the year.

However as Venus moves through the zodiac houses for the year, you might meet with fluctuations in your live life. Particularly watch out the period when Venus retrogrades for the year 2021.

Best and Worst compatibility signs for 2021

Best and Worst love match signs for 2021

With the square aspects of Mars and Uranus on Venus you are in for a roller coaster ride this year. There would be mixed periods of compatible and incompatible relationships in your love pursuits. Things would be totally unpredictable. With you having a passion for stable relationships, this is something to worry about all through the year.

Scorpios would be able to forge love relationships through professional connections this year. The last quarter of the year would be much eventful in your love. Marriage or a serious commitment to a compatible partner is at stake then.

The other water signs of Cancer and Pisces would be able to understand yourself better and would make compatible partners. These two natives can be easily seduced by your passion and romance. However they cannot take in any amount of incompatibility with you through this period. Here comes to the rescue, the Virgos and Capricorns who never let you cheat on them. They make better compatible partners for now.