2021 - Chinese Year Of The Ox

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2021 would be the Year of the Ox according to Chinese astrology. The year of the Ox starts on the 12th of February 2021 and would last till 31, January 2022. The Ox is the second animal sign of the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs.

The other Ox years in the century are 1913, 1925, 1937, 1960, 18973, 1985, 1997 and 2009.

The animal sign of Ox is related to hard work, family and discipline. The year of the Ox in 2021 is under the influence of the metal element. Generally the element Metal is associated with prosperity and success in business. Though this year would bring about problems for all the animal signs, flexibility would be the keyword for survival.

Dragon people would reap good gains in life. They are advised to utilize the opportunities that come their way. They need to keep themselves under control when stressful situations arise.

Those born under the animal signs of Tiger and Rabbit would find new sources of income coming their way. There would be better financial stability in their lives this year.

Goat people would get some quick money by means of luck and fortune. Their goals in career would be achieved during this year of the Ox.

It is said that love or marriage initiated during the year of the Ox would be long lasting and happy.

This year , Monkey personalities would not be good in love and marriage. A change in attitude however does make wonders.

Dragon people might get exhausted this year and this might hinder their general health and well being.

Celebrities born in the year of the Ox

Napoleon (1769)

Adolf Hitler (1889)

Walt Disney (1901)

Margaret Thatcher (1925)

Barack Obama (1961)

Saddam Hussein (1937)

Gerald Ford (1913)

Charlie Chaplin (1889)

Artist Vincent Van Gogh

Princess Diana

President Richard Nixon.

year of ox - 2021
Ox Personality Traits

People born in the year of the Ox are very dependable and can be trusted upon. They give their heart and soul into whatever they pursue. They are highly confident of themselves that some of them are a bit arrogant as well. Family means a lot to these guys. They expect a lot out of their loved ones. They set lofty ideals for them. Natives are found to be very calm, cool and composed during trials and temptations. They do not yield to any hardships, instead give a good fight. Their life would be full of problems, however they come out successful and unscathed.

Compatibility of Ox

Most compatible Animal Signs with Ox :Rat, Snake, Rooster

Least compatible Animal Signs with Ox :Goat, Horse, Dog

Lucky for Ox

• Color :blue, yellow, green

• Numbers :1, 4

• Flowers :lily of the valley, lucky bamboo

• Directions :East, Southeast

• Direction of wealth :Northwest

• Direction of love :South

Unlucky for Ox

• Color :red, brown

• Numbers :3, 6

Ox Traits       Ox Celebrities        Ox

Chinese Horoscope 2021

2022 is the Year of the Tiger

(xin nián kuái lé) Happy Chinese New Year

Related Links

• Year of the Ox in Chinese

• Chinese Horoscopes for the year of the Rat