2017 Cancer Planetary Influences


A host of planets would be changing their dwellings for the year 2017 that Cancer natives would have myriad opportunities for changes in their life. Jupiter would be in the house of Leo, your solar second house for the start of 2017.Here your finances need to be taken care as the second house rules one's finances. Some budgetary modifications need to be done then and now to balance your financials and keep you grounded.
Around the end of August 2017 Jupiter would be shifting to your solar third house. Then your materialistic nature changes and you would be in for adventure or learning new things in life. Some worries and anxieties from the past also hamper your spirit for this period.

Chiron would be posited in the solar seventh house for Cancer natives. This brings about relationship issues to the fore in 2017. For some partners would be a sore on their face. This would be a good time for you to bring about some physical and mental healing into your life.

Uranus would be in Aquarius till February 2017 and then moves to the house of Pisces in March 2017. This would bring about great opportunities for travel and adventure around the world for some of you. You would be able to learn about new culture and new people. Your scope of knowledge increases and you would feel young at heart with this transit of Uranus.

Neptune continues in its position as in 2016 and would be still bringing about a sense of uncertainty regarding your finances. If you can bring your finances under control then you stand to gain total freedom and peace of mind for the rest of the year.

Pluto in its present position would teach you to be more conscious regarding your health and its consequences. You would be able to make some life-changing decisions regarding your diet or work-outs which might have long term positive effects on your physical and mental self.