Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Brassicales |
Family | Brassicaceae |
Genus | Brassica |
Species | B.oleracea |
Binomial name | Brassica oleracea |
Other Common Names:
The other common names for cabbage are Winter Cabbage, Brassica oleracea capitata, Savoy Cabbage and Brassica oleracea bullata major.
The botanical name for cabbage is Brassica oleracea capitata. The English name cabbage comes from the French caboche, meaning head, referring to its round form.Cabbage has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years and domesticated for over 2,500 years. Although cabbage is often connected to the Irish, the Celts brought cabbage to Europe from Asia around 600 B.C. Since cabbage grows well in cool climates, yields large harvests, and stores well during winter, it soon became a major crop in Europe.
Cabbage is round in shape with layers of superimposed leaves with the inner leaves often lighter in colour than the outer leaves because they are protected from the sunlight. They belong to the Cruciferae family of vegetables along with kale, broccoli, collards and Brussels sprouts. There are three major types of cabbage: green, red and Savoy.
The areas along the English Channel and the Mediterranean region are places where the cabbage originally grew in the wild - the plant is believed to be a native species of these parts. Over the centuries, it spread out from these regions as different cultures made use of it, and nowadays, the cabbage is extensively cultivated worldwide and comes in a myriad of different varieties - it is one of the most common vegetables around the world.
The best cabbage is grown in cool weather, in rich soil, and has a steady source of moisture. At best, they will go dormant in the heat of mid-summer.
Cabbage plants prefer full sun and a rich to average garden soil. They like cool weather. Cabbage will often split or bolt in hot weather. Cabbage is best started indoors several weeks prior to planting. Seedlings can be transplanted outdoors early in the spring a couple of weeks prior to the last frost. If planted in wet weather, elevate the soil a little prior to planting. Space seedlings 1 1/2 feet apart in rows 2 1/2 feet apart. Water regularly to maintain moist, not wet soil. Fertilize regularly with a general purpose garden fertilizer. Ranges from 60 to 75 days depending on variety. If planted early, many areas can plant a fall crop. Pick cabbage after the heads are full and solid. Squeeze the head to see if it has solidly formed.
Parts Used
The leaves are the most commonly used part of the cabbage for its medicinal and commercial applications.
Flowering Season
The cabbage bears striking four petaled yellow flowers when it blooms in the spring.
Pests and Diseases
Among the most common insect problems are aphids, and cabbage loopers. Cabbage loopers are the larva stage of a moth. Use insecticides or organic repellent as needed. Follow the insecticide label carefully prior to use. Hot and humid weather will cause cabbage rot. Blackleg or black stem, caused by certain fungi lesions in the stem near the soil surface become sunken and dark, and may girdle the stem. Black ring or black ring spot, caused by a virus; necrotic, dark and often sunken rings on the leaf surface.
Medicinal Applications
This vegetable has Vitamin A which can help protect the eyes.
• It has Vitamin B that aids in the integrity of your nerves and metabolic functions.
• Vitamin C can also be found in this leafy veggie and is responsible for supporting the mitochondria in fat-burning processes and in keeping your skin in its healthy state.
• To aid in the detoxification of the liver, the leaves of the wild cabbage are often eaten raw or they may be consumed cooked as an aid to digestion.
• Cabbage can also help clean your intestines. Fresh cabbage juice can relieve abdominal pain, indigestion, headache, bronchitis, and asthma.
• Cabbage also prevents the formation or development of cancer cells.
• Its iron and sulphur contents are factors making it effective in cleaning our digestive system.
• The cabbage has also shown in aiding the production of more antibodies protecting us from different illnesses.
• As a topical remedy, the cabbage was also used for the treatment of different disorders affecting the legs - including the varicose veins and in the alleviation of leg ulcers of all sorts.
Commercial Applications
• A cabbage is a usual for different salad preparations.
• The leaves can be fermented and made into sauerkraut, used as a health food and said to be good for the digestive system.
• A blue dye can be obtained from the leaves of purple cultivars.
According to the astro reports the vegetable cabbage is under the dominion of the planet Mars.
Greeks and Romans placed great importance on the healing powers of cabbage, thinking the vegetable could cure just about any illness. Roman mythology holds that cabbages sprung from the tears of Lycurgus, King of the Edonians. Emperor Claudius called upon his Senate to vote on whether any dish could surpass corned beef and cabbage. Egyptian pharoahs would eat large quantities of cabbage before a night of drinking, thinking the consumption would allow them to drink more alcoholic beverages without feeling the effects. Perhaps this is why many consider cabbage with vinegar as a good hangover remedy.
Captain Cook swore by the medicinal value of sauerkraut (cabbage preserved in brine) back in 1769. His ship doctor used it for compresses on soldiers who were wounded during a severe storm, saving them from gangrene. Let us not forget more recent legends such as children being told babies come from cabbage patches, and the Man in the Moon who was allegedly banished to his remote abode on the moon after being caught stealing a cabbage from his neighbour on Christmas Eve. Eating cabbage or other greens is considered good luck on New Year's Eve by many because the green leaves are representative of money.