Ayurveda is the oldest science of life, a system of diet, healing and health maintenance that is deeply spiritual in origin. Unlike traditional Western medicine, Ayurveda is not confined to healing of disease in a superficial treatment of symptoms. Instead, it evaluates the complete body mind of the individual.

Ayurveda is the system of Indian healing that has been practised in India for thousands of years.

Astrology and Ayurveda
Ayurveda, as Vedic astrology, originates in the Vedic traditions. In the Vedas, we can find descriptions of the methods of Vedic astrology as well as ayurvedic healing.

Three Doshas in Ayurveda:

Ayurveda is based on the three constitutions, the three dosha's. These three dosha's are called vata, pitta and kapha. Vata corresponds to air, pitta to fire, and kapha to earth and water. The astrological signs can then be divided as follows:

•  Vata : Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. Virgo is placed here because it is ruled by Mercury, which is an air planet in Vedic astrology. Capricorn is mentioned here because it is ruled by the vata planet Saturn.

•  Pitta : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Scorpio is pitta because the classic ruler of Scorpio is the fire planet Mars. In Vedic astrology, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not used, and so Mars remains the ruler of Scorpio.

•  Kapha : Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces. These are the earth and water signs not assigned to vata and pitta.

Tje pulse diagnosis, a urine test, face reading and the general impression a person shall decide his Dosha constitution.

Common traits of the Doshas

• A vata type is generally slim, has difficulty concentrating, feels the cold and has a great urge to be quickly satisfied in his needs. He eats quickly, chews his food badly and eats at irregular hours.

• A kapha type is often corpulent, slow, and has a calm, thoughtful character. He eats a lot and enjoys his food.

• A pitta type has a well-balanced figure, likes action and can be hot tempered. Because his life is so busy, he may feel food is not very important.

Ayurveda - Astrology links

Astrology can also play a role in establishing the constitution or dosha. Naturally, we must use a Vedic horoscope for this

• To define the constitution, we do not use the Sun; we use the ascendant and the lord of the ascendant. If the ascendant is Aries a pitta sign), and the lord of the ascendant (Mars) is in Scorpio (a pitta sign), it will point to a pitta constitution.

• Planets in the first are also important, especially if they are close to the ascendant degree. Suppose someone has Saturn in the first, this is a strong indication for a vata constitution. If a person has Jupiter in the first then that person tends to gain weight and may have a kapha constitution.

• We also need to know which planets are in the sixth house and where their lord of the sixth house is placed. If Mercury is in the sixth house and in Pisces, that points to either a vata (Mercury is a vataplanet) and/or a kapha (Pisces is a kapha sign)constitution.

• Another factor that plays a role in the analysis is the position of the Moon. The Moon, because she gives shape to earthly matters, is an important influence on the human body.

• The strongest planet in the horoscope is important. Often this concerns a planet placed in its own sign or is exalted and placed in a house where it can develop its energy. If a certain planet in the horoscope is prominent, then that planet will colour all the aspects of the life of the person involved, including his constitution.

Astrology and Ayurveda

Astrology is , a significant branch of Ayurveda, that scientifically studies planetary movements and their effect on human constitutions and lives.

Astrology is based on the concept that each planet is intrinsically related to a specific body tissue and that the various planetary movements and their positions in relation to time exert powerful influences on your mind, body and consciousness, directly affecting your physical and mental health.

Related Links

• Ayurvedic diets

• Ayurveda in Healing