astrology media reports

Mercury is in retrograde until September 15th — here’s how it might affect you   Posted on : August 30, 2023 By LISA JOYNER  

When will Mercury be in retrograde in 2023?

Mercury will go into retrograde three times in 2023. They are as follows, according to

• April 2023 Mercury retrograde — starting on 21st April and ending on 14th May

• August 2023 — starting on 23rd August and ending on 15th September

• December 2023 — starting on 13th December and ending on 1st January 2024

Mercury is in retrograde in August — here’s how you can harness its energy   Posted on : July 24, 2023 By LISA JOYNER  

When will Mercury be in retrograde in 2023?

Mercury will go into retrograde three times in 2023. They are as follows, according to

• April 2023 Mercury retrograde — starting on 21st April and ending on 14th May

• August 2023 — starting on 23rd August and ending on 15th September

• December 2023 — starting on 13th December and ending on 1st January 2024

Fakta Ophiuchus yang Disebut Zodiak ke-13 Jadi Kontroversi Scorpio dan Sagitarius Harus Tahu   Posted on : January 1, 2023 - Romania  

Axa Berbec-Balanță

Prima eclipsă de Soare pe axa Berbec-Balanță are loc la 20 aprilie 2023. În același timp, apare în ultimul grad al Berbecului, indicând impulsuri puternice și sentimente esențiale. Efectele sale pot fi resimțite până la șase luni după data reală a eclipsei.

În zodia Berbecului, această eclipsă pune în atenție problemele legate de planurile personale, curaj, independență și afirmare de sine. Este vorba despre noi începuturi cu privire la oricare dintre aceste probleme. Schimbări pe termen lung sunt în lucru!

O eclipsă de Soare similară (la aproximativ același grad de Berbec) a avut loc în 19 aprilie 2004. Înainte de aceasta, a fost 18 aprilie 1977. O eclipsă stabilită de-a lungul axei Berbec-Balanta a avut loc cel mai recent în perioada 2013-2016. Înainte de asta, a fost din 2004-2006. Această eclipsă poate lumina și provoca problemele noastre legate de independență și curajul personal. Am putea face pași către auto-stăpânire și auto-împuternicire abordând lucrurile care ne subminează. Circumstanțele ne îndeamnă sau ne încurajează să vedem unde nu am fost fideli cu sine. În cele din urmă, suntem acum în măsură să înțelegem că schimbările sau finalurile sunt necesare pentru propria noastră creștere și că ne putem descurca cu aceste lucruri.

Eclipsa inelară de Soare în Balanță, din 13 octombrie 2023, va scoate la iveală laturile culturale ale tuturor. Oamenii se vor simți înrădăcinați în tradiția lor. Laturile intelectuale ale oamenilor vor fi la vedere ca urmare a acestei eclipse de Soare. Participarea la discuții intelectuale pe diverse subiecte va fi distractivă și revigorantă. Dragostea va fi la putere. Prezentarea manierelor decente și politicoase va fi un bonus. Oamenii și comportamentele nepoliticoase nu vor fi tolerate.

Cu toate acestea, eclipsa inelară de soare din Balanță te va face să te simți destul de nehotărât. Ți-ar lua prea mult timp să te decizi cu privire la aproape orice sub Soare. De asemenea, vei evita confruntările.


Fakta Ophiuchus yang Disebut Zodiak ke-13 Jadi Kontroversi Scorpio dan Sagitarius Harus Tahu

By Sabtu, Tribunnews, Indonesia  Posted on : JULY 02, 2022  

Lahir pada 29 November hingga 17 Desember tenyata bukan berzodiak Sagitarius, melainkan berzodiak Ophiuchus.

Zodiak Ophiuchus hanya memiliki 18 hari saja, padahal semua zodiak itu adalah 30 hari.

Dalam versi 12 zodiak, tetapi setelah kemunculan zodiak Ophiuchus maka ada zodiak memiliki kurang lebih durasi yang sama 1 bulan yakni, Scorpio dan Sagitarius. Bagi kalian yang penasaran dengan zodiak Ophiuchus simak penjelasannya disela-sela berita ini.

Namun perbedaan ini sangat terasa pada horoskop versi 13 zodiak, dimana bisa dilihat pada pembagian di atas bahwa jumlah hari dari tiap zodiak tidak sama atau cenderung sangat berbeda.....

....Dilansir dari web findyourfate, Ophiuchus adalah orang yang bersemangat, cerdas dan menyukai ilmu pengetahuan, impulsif, namun terkadang punya emosi yang sulit dikontrol dan pencemburu.

GÖKYÜZÜ PUSULASI - ASTROLOJİK ÖNGÖRÜLER   Posted on : January 16, 2022 - Turkey  

Mercury is in retrograde in May — here’s how you can harness its energy

BY LISA JOYNER   Posted on : MAY 10, [email protected]  

When will Mercury be in retrograde in 2022?

Mercury will go into retrograde three times in 2022. They are as follows, according to

• January 2022 Mercury retrograde – starting on 14th January in Aquarius and ending on 3rd February in Pisces

When Mercury retrogrades in a water-based star sign – like Pisces – it is believed that emotions and feelings could be compromised for those affected. Pisces are thought to be imaginative dreamers with strong emotions and feelings. Mercury retrograde in Pisces could cause a revamp of these passions by throwing logic and the sensible side of a Pisces into question. Some suggest that it would be a good time for a Pisces to focus on their internal selves as opposed to more external ventures.

• May 2022 Mercury retrograde – starting on 10th May in Gemini and ending on 2nd June in Gemini.

• September 2022 Mercury retrograde – starting on 9th September in Libra and ending on 2nd October in Libra.

Predicciones 2022 según la astrología Occidental

Posted on : 26 December 2021, Spain -  

"Desde tiempos inmemoriales el hombre siempre alzó su mirada al Cielo e intentó darle un significado a lo que admiraba. Luminarias parpadeantes en la noche gélida del hombre prehistórico en el interior de una caverna, o desde un observatorio perfectamente equipado, da igual. Astros y estrellas se mueven hacia determinados cuadrantes, se alinean, eclipsan o transitan, con una exactitud matemática.

Es el indígena desnudo de cabello hirsuto elevando sus brazos al cielo conjurando su temor bajo las estrellas; o el sabio medieval que realiza complicadas anotaciones sobre un pergamino; o el científico de la NASA que oprime el botón un ser hacia la Luna. Somos hijos de un cosmos viviente y en nuestra naturaleza está la curiosidad ante lo desconocido".

Ősi elemek testünk szolgálatában: így vigyázzunk az egészségünkre a horoszkóp alapján

Posted on : SEPT 04, 2021, [email protected]  

Az asztrológia szerint a különböző csillagjegyeket négy ősi elem uralja, a Tűz, a Föld, a Levegő és a Víz. Ha ezek hatása túl erős, vagy éppen ellenkezőleg, valami miatt nagyon meggyengül, az befolyásolja az egészséget is.

Ilyen esetekben bizonyos ételek is segíthetnek az egyensúly helyreállításában. Az alábbi összeállításban erről tudhatunk meg többet a szakértőitől.

(A legfrissebb hírek itt)

Tűz elemű csillagjegyek: Kos, Oroszlán, Nyilas

Jellemzőjük a szenvedély, a gyorsan fellobbanó érzések.

• Ha túlteng bennük a Tűz elem hatása, hajlamossá válhatnak a kiégésre, folyton türelmetlenek, indulatosak lehetnek, ami szívproblémákat, fekélyeket, gyulladásokat okozhat. Ilyen esetben főként a gabonafélék és a gyökérzöldségek ajánlottak. Kerülni kell a fűszeres ételeket, vörös húsokat.

• Ha valami elnyomja bennük a Tűz energiáit főként az emésztésükkel lehet probléma, s nehezen küzdenek meg a fertőzésekkel is. Ilyen esetben jótékony a citrom, a joghurt, a kelkáposzta, a mustár, kerülni kell a tejtermékeket és a húsokat.

Mercury is in retrograde in June — here’s how you can harness its energy . Here's everything you need to know

By Victoria Hannah Johns, The SUN, UK   Posted on : 17 May 2021,

What happens when we open Pluto's box?

Pandora's box was a metaphor from Greek mythology, which when opened was not so much of a present as a curse.

Now we're not saying we need to treat Pluto's placement in our chart with the same trepidation, but the planet can hold onto secrets.

According to findyourfate, Pluto is likely to bring about major changes when the beans have been spilt, babe.

Think drunken texts, heart to hearts and horror of all horrors, hacking into bae's email account. Curiosity killed the cat for a reason dear friends.

Pluto is also associated with things that we are holding on to in life which we should probably get rid off.

We know we'll feel better when we do but we also know those old socks are comfortable, despite all the holes...

Ultimately though, Pluto helps us to progress in life. At the moment the planet is bowling around the determined house of Capricorn and will be there until 2024.

You can find out which sign your Pluto is in here. Let's what find out what its placement means for us.

Mercury will be in retrograde 3 times in 2021 – but how will it affect you?

By Lisa Walden   Posted on : Dec 09 [email protected]

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth.

Mercury will go into retrograde three times in 2021. They are as follows, according to ...

Ophiuchus star sign traits: Are YOU the new NASA star sign? What horoscope means for YOU

By KATIE SEWELL   Posted on : Jul 16 [email protected]/

According to FindYourFate, personality traits of Ophiuchus are between Scorpio and Sagittarius...

FindYourFate explains “this is because they both share the same element water and both of them are mutable signs”.

When Are All Planets Moving Direct In 2017? Expect Some Harmony In Your Life During January

By Lily Feinn   Posted on : Jan 11 [email protected]

If 2017 seems to be off to a particularly chill start, an incredibly rare astrological event could be to thank.

As a result, whether you are a student of the stars or only occasionally peruse your horoscope, the question, When are all the planets moving direct in 2017? may have crossed your mind...

The period of APDM will end when Jupiter turns retrograde on Feb. 6. for 120 days. But it's not all bad: "When Jupiter goes retrograde it is good to review our visions, ideals, and belief systems in life," suggests the website Find Your Fate.
