Causes Of Limping

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In astrology the planets represent different cosmic forces.

The planets' influence on us varies according to their mutual relationship and their position in the zodiac. The planets' position when we are born is of special significance.

According to astrology the psyche and opportunities in life are decided at that point in time.

In previous times the seven visible astral bodies including the sun were called planets;

it was believed they revolved around the Earth as the centre of the universe.

Causes Of Limping

Causes Of Limping
When there is a slight change in the normal gait of an individual then it is said to be limping.

But of course there are age related factors which also leads to limping.

This occurs due to some neuromuscular disorder or rheumatic disease or malignancy which is at times psychogenic in nature.

The causes of limping are numerous, ranging from trivial to life-threatening conditions.

There are chances of diagnostic enigma in a child which limps.

The 8th house in the natal chart is supposed to govern factors like chronic diseases, surgery and limping. When this 8th house is occupied by Kuja it leads to deformity in an individual and also limping due to various factors.

Though the planet Saturn in the eighth house is supposed to give long life it also causes difficulty in walking and a difficult gait.

Jupiter in the fourth house when influenced by Saturn is said to cause physical ailments in the form of limping.

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