Causes Of Leprosy

In astrology the planets represent different cosmic forces. The planets' influence on us varies according to their mutual relationship and their position in the zodiac. The planets' position when we are born is of special significance. According to astrology the psyche and opportunities in life are decided at that point in time. In previous times the seven visible astral bodies including the sun

were called planets; it was believed they revolved around the Earth as the centre of the universe.

Causes Of Leprosy

Causes Of Leprosy
A mention of this diseases is made even in biblical times where it is featured by nerve damage, progressive debilitation and disfiguring skin sores.

The word leprosy is derived from the French work "leper" and from the Greek word "lepros" which means scaly and is caused by a bacterium mainly affecting the skin.

Children are more susceptible than adults to contracting the disease.When there is an imbalance in the energy flow between the planets and the humans, and then arises the problem of health ailments.

The Malefic planets like Sun, Mars, and Saturn as lords of Kendra's (1, 4, 7, and 10) are benefic. If Rahu is weak in a birth chart it causes problems in intestines, boils, skin, ulcers, spleen, worms, high blood pressure, etc.

The vital planet Sun governs various parts of the body like head, body, bone structure, constitution, blood, brain, bile, and digestive fire and the skin. The Sun being the promoter of pitta temperament, its negative influence causes headache, baldness, irritability in the skin, fever, pains, acidity, cardiac disorders, eye-ailments, bone and skin diseases like leprosy etc.

A melancholic nature of an individual arises when a persons natal chart is governed by the cold and dry planet, Saturn.

Thus a person is said to take after the characteristic of the planet Saturn both in his physical appearance and character, if he or she was born when the influence of the Saturn was strong. With this influencing factor the individual is said to be more susceptible to skin diseases like leprosy.

A weak representation of the Mercury planet in the native chart is responsible for asthma, diseases of respiratory canal, psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, epilepsy, skin diseases, impotence, loss of memory or speech, vertigo, deafness, disorders of intestines, dyspepsia, etc.

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