Causes Of Dwarfs

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In astrology the planets represent different cosmic forces. The planets' influence on us varies according to their mutual relationship and their position in the zodiac. The planets' position when we are born is of special significance. According to astrology the psyche and opportunities in life are decided at that point in time. In previous times the seven visible astral bodies including the sun

were called planets; it was believed they revolved around the Earth as the centre of the universe.

Causes Of Dwarfs

Causes Of Dwarfs
Dwarfism is defined medically as a condition characterized by short stature and the main reason behind dwarfism is the genetic factors.

So when an adult height is less than 4 feet 10 inches then they fall under the category of dwarfism. The most common type, accounting for 70% of all cases of short stature, is called achondroplasia.

Though there are various reasons for dwarfism, the main underlying factor is genetics.

The 8th house in the natal chart is supposed to govern factors like physical abilities, chronic diseases etc.

When this 8th house is occupied by Kuja it leads to deformity in an individual and lead to conditions like dwarfism.

Saturn which is considered to be the servant among the planets is responsible for any prolonged diseases and when it dominates the 8th house it gives long suffering life with disorders like dwarfism.

Mercury in the House of Death causes paralysis, dwarfism, giantism and nervous diseases.

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