Causes of Deafness

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A person's desires and destiny, his fate and fortune, his success and failures are said to be affected by the planetary positions and movements. However, the faith and belief in astrology and astrological sayings is experiencing a rising trend since the recent past. Horoscope reading and astrology are affecting people from all walks of life in their daily lifestyle. Astrology is nothing

but the study of the correlation between the positions and the movements of the planets, the stars and other celestial bodies and events on earth.

It is the firm belief of the astrologers that the placement and the movements of the heavenly bodies – the Sun, Moon, and the nine planets of the galaxy, at the time of birth of an individual have a direct influence on his/her character.

Causes of Deafness

Causes of Deafness
The loss of ability to hear from one or both ears is deafness which occurs due to various factors.

The cause of this may be inherited, or caused by complications at birth, certain infectious diseases, such as meningitis, use of ototoxic drugs, and exposure to excessive noise.

Due to old age nearly 30 to 40% of the people have deafness.

In the United States nearly 28 million people have hearing loss. Children also develop hearing loss which can be detrimental to language and social development. Sometimes trauma of the head may also result in deafness.

The most common cause of deafness is exposure to noise. Usually damage results after long-term exposure to loud noise, but even brief exposure to extremely loud noise can permanently harm hearing.

The second and third house governs the ears where the second house rules the outer part of the ear and the third house rules the inner portion of the right ear.

The twelfth and eleventh houses rule the left one. The planets ruling the ears are Jupiter and Saturn and are responsible for the diseases associated with it.

When the second house is afflicted by Jupiter it causes deafness and dumbness. Afflicted and malefic mars in the houses ruling ears or affliction of the houses ruling ears by aspect of malefic mars give rise to tumours in the ears.

Taurus and Gemini signs rules over the right ear whereas left ear is governed by Pisces and Aquarius. Also the airy signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are associated with deafness.

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