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Septarian is reputedly named from the Latin word septem, meaning seven, because the mud ball from which it formed on the sea bed splits into seven points radiating in every direction, although it is also said that it arises from saeptum, an enclosure or wall. A combination of Calcite, Chalcedony and Aragonite, the grey concretions connect to devic energy.

Septarian is an excellent support for self-nurturing, caring about others, and caring for the earth. It incubates ideas and assists in bringing them to fruition, and harmonizes emotions and intellect with the higher mind. The NLP stone, it assists in repatterning and reprogramming outgrown behaviour and emotions.

Septarian Nodules combine all the metaphysical properties of the minerals that make it up, making it extremely powerful. It also aids communication with our Mother Earth. It is said to help in overall healing and health. It is also a good grounding stone. It relates to the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. Septarian Nodule is used to assist in communication with others and to aid in being heard and understood. It also plays a role in rapid healing for the body and degeneration of teeth bones and muscles. Septarian Nodules help in banishing nightmares, negative energy and block psychic attacks.

Septarians were formed approximately 100 million years ago when the Gulf of Mexico reached what is now Southern Utah. De-composing sea (shell) life, killed by volcanic eruptions, had a chemical or molecular attraction for the sediment around them, forming mud balls. Tide and wave action rolled the balls around increasing the size of many of them.

As the ocean receded the balls were left to dry and crack. Because of their bentonite content they also shrank at the same time, trapping the cracks inside. They were then covered by sediment. The ocean returned de-composing more shell life above them. As this de-composed calcite from the shells was carried down into the cracks in the mud balls, calcite crystals formed. A thin wall of calcite was transformed into aragonite dividing the bentonite heavy clay (shale) exteriors from the calcite centers. Because of this dividing wall (septum in Latin) the geodes are called Septarians. 

Concretions are found in a variety of rocks, but are particularly common in shales, siltstones, and sandstones. They often outwardly resemble fossils or rocks that look as if they do not belong to the stratum in which they were found. Occasionally, concretions contain a fossil, either as its nucleus or as a component that was incorporated during its growth but concretions are not fossils themselves. They appear in nodular patches, concentrated along bedding planes, protruding from weathered cliffsides, randomly distributed over mudhills or perched on soft pedestals.

Physical Properties:


Septarian Birthstone

Crystal System
Ca (A12Si7O18 y H2O NaCa4) (Al9Si27) O72 3O-H2O, Zeolite
India, Iceland, Russia, USA, Brazil
Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus

Signs of Septarian: Sagittarius


Seasonal affective disorders, patience, holistic healing, tolerance, endurance, self-healing, metabolism, growths, intestines, kidneys, blood, skin disorders, heart, study, motivation, laziness, revitalization, emotional stress, organs of elimination, calcium uptake in bones, dissolving calcification,skeleton, joints, intestinal conditions, skin, tissue healing, immune system, growth in small children, ulcers, warts, patience, emotional stress, anger, reliability, acceptance, flexibility, grounding, Reynaud's disease, chills, bones, calcium absorption, disc elasticity, night twitches, muscle spasm, immune system, regulates processes, generosity, hostility, lawsuits, nightmares, fear of the dark, hysteria, depression, negative thoughts, turbulent emotions, bad dreams, cleansing, open sores, mineral build-up in veins, dementia, senility, physical energy.


A useful tool for public speaking, Septarian makes each individual feel that they are being personally addressed and enhances the ability to communicate with in a group. This stone coheres spiritual groups, and healers can use it for diagnosis and insight into the cause of disease. It has the ability to focus the body’s own healing power.


A spectacular example of septarian concretions are found eroding out of Paleocene mudstone of the Moeraki Formation exposed along the coast near Moeraki, South Island, New Zealand. Very similar concretions called "Koutu Boulders", litter the beach between Koutu and Kauwhare points along the south shore of the Hokianga Harbour of Hokianga, North Island, New Zealand. The much smaller septarian concretions found in the Kimmeridge Clay exposed in cliffs along the Wessex Coast of England are more typical examples of septarian concretions.