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A rare light-bearing crystal and a form of Quartz, Azeztulite has an extremely pure vibration that never requires cleansing and is always energized. Attuned to the highest frequencies that it transfers to the earth to aid spiritual evolution, if you are ready, it expands your consciousness, promotes physical ascension, and assists in giving out a positive vibration to benefit others.

The vibrational shift it induces is powerful and can create unpleasant side effects until fully assimilated, and denser forms of Azeztulite are now available that work more slowly. Old patterns need to be dissolved and emotional cleansing completed before undertaking this shift. The opaque form has a denser vibration and is a useful intermediary to working with the transparent crystal. Azeztulite facilitates meditation, instantly inducing a state of 'no mind' and creating a protective sheath around the physical body. It stimulates the kundalini to rise up the spine.

Spiritually, Azeztulite facilitates meditation, instantly inducing a state of "no mind" and providing a protective spiral around the physical body. It stimulates the kundalini to rise up the spine. A stone of vision and inspiration, Azeztulite opens the third eye and the crown and higher crown chakras reaching up to spiritual levels. It tunes into spiritual guidance from the future, assisting in making important decisions.This crystal should be handled with care if you are not used to working in the spiritual realms or at high frequencies. The vibrational shift it induces is powerful and can have unpleasant side effects until it has been fully assimilated. Using other spiritual crystals such as Ametrine and Aquamarine prepares the way.

Old patterns should be dissolved and emotional cleansing completed before undertaking this shift. The opaque form of Azeztulite has a less fine vibration and can be a useful staging post on the way to working with the more transparent form of the crystal.Azeztulite activates the ascension points at the base of the spine, middle of the abdomen, and center of the brain to shift to a higher vibration while still in the physical body. Used on the third eye, it helps you to see the future.

Physical Properties:


Azeztulite Birthstone

Crystal System
SiO2 with impurities
North Carolina, England, Canada
Third eye, crown, higher crown, soma

Color:Colorless or white.


Chronic conditions, revitalizing purpose. At a physical level, this crystal treats cancer, cellular disorders, and inflammation. It aids the chronically sick by revitalizing purpose and restoring the will. Most of Azeztulite's healing work is at the spiritual vibration, working on the chakra connections to higher reality and facilitating a vibrational shift.


The Azez are extraterrestrial beings that have imprinted these crystals with the knowledge and guidance for those following the Light Path. They are highly spiritual crystals said to carry the gift of inner vision and psychic powers.Similar to the Lemurian and Atlantean cultures the Azez are said to have left these as a gift to those who are in search of light and universal love.


Azeztulite is a form of Quartz that is colourless and/or white, sometimes showing yellowish tones. It was first found in North Carolina and later in Vermont, USA.