World Wide Recognition and Repute in (Universities and Schools)

Trinity University of Asia

Psychology of Astrology (The relationship between zodiac signs and the personality of an individual)

Distinguishing the relationship between zodiac signs and thepersonality of an individual

De La Salle University


Dreams contain important messages from soul or from God.

Emory University, Atlanta

Anthropological Perspectives on Death

Six Great Tech Tools for Planning Your Own Death finds a place in the Syllabus of Santa Rosa Junior College,USA - during Summer, 2005

Introduction to Psychology - Summer, 2005

1.8 - Head Candy - Online Mental Gymnastics Psychological Tests, Quizzes, and Self-Help Inventories

24.07.2005 O relógio da morte

Você tem coragem de olhar o relógio da morte? Um site calcula o dia, o mês e o ano em que você vai morrer. Bizarro! Aparece na tela até uma contagem regressiva dos segundos que ainda lhe restam de vida!

Career advise from the Stars - a special report from CNN on 14th Sep, 2005

Choose your job based on your horsocope