Venus Retrograde Period in year 2089

Venus is a neutral planet whose retrograde motion is of prime importance in astrology circles. Simply because it rules over love, romance, relationships, money and luxury. As Venus is a swift planet, transiting a zodiac sign in about 23 days, its retrograde motion is sure to make major impact on our lives. Did you know that Venus retrograde affects females more than the males?

Females have an erratic love life and are cosmetically sensitive this retrograde period and males are said to indulge in extravagant lifestyle and bad habits.

Love relationships get established or break during Venus retrograde season. Your finances also go in for a tail-spin if not handled properly. Getting to know the Venus retrograde period would help us to tune ourselves better to this planet's retrograde behavior.

Venus Retrograde Dates

 - During the year  2089 , Venus Retrograde period is from 10 February 2089 to 24 March 2089 .

 - In the year  2089 , Venus Retrograde can be found in the month February and March.

Venus Retrograde Days

 Transiting retrograde motion for about 42 days