When Pluto goes retrograde there would be changes around and most of this would be due to destruction of something and the growth or sprouting of something else. Through the retrograde period we would be asked to let go off of things or relationships that hitherto we have been clinging to. Things happen out of our control as this retrograde season happens.
As Scorpios are ruled over by the planet Pluto, they would have a tough time when it goes retrograde. They are advised to let go off of their clingy attitude and use their inner power to build things up.
Pluto retrograde always asks us to get rid of things that do not serve our purpose here on planet earth.
When Pluto retrogrades it brings about the following effects:
• It awakens our spiritual side on a different note.
• Pluto opens up our occult knowledge.
• We would be greatly enlightened.
• Our repressions in life would be revealed.
• We would be rejuvenated by rest and relaxation.
• It detoxifies us wholly.
• Pluto retrograde brings about a period of endurance.
• Our repressed emotions would be brought to the fore.
• Hidden truths do come out to the fore.
• It advises us to get rid of our bad obsessive habits in life.
• We would be asked to say no to toxic relationships without much hassles.
• Pluto encourages us to own ourselves and to stick to our dignity come what may.
• Power struggles of all sorts would be brought about by Pluto.
• We would more than often like to seclude ourselves from the outside world.