Mercury Retrograde and Finances

Finance in Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is said to rule all sorts of communications, trade and commerce. Hence when Mercury turns retrograde it is likely to put your finances in a retro direction too. Here you need to know when Mercury turns retrograde and plan your financial moves and decisions accordingly so that you

can avoid a financial burn-out and attain prosperity in life.

Some of the do's and don'ts when Mercury goes retrograde as far as your finances are concerned are:


• Your financial deals need to be reconsidered and restructured during a Mercury retrograde phase

• Reassessing and renegotiations of finances can be done.

• Do take care of any pending old businesses and make sure you complete them beforehand

• Do look for any potential errors in your financial moves like payments and insurance policies.

• Garner data related to anything you want to buy or invest in future.

• Loans plans if any and other payment plans need to be revised.

• Be prepared with your papers for filing of your taxes.

• Reorganize your accounting and book keeping systems.

• Change your beliefs and attitudes towards money and finances for the better is yet to come.


• Do not initiate any new projects, partnerships or investments. It would certainly result in a loss and also in unwanted delays and frustrations.

• Do not make any new purchases, else they might turn up to be faulty or damaged or of no use to you.

• Do not take any loans when Mercury is under Retrograde.

• Do not file taxes when Mercury is at its worst.

• Do not gamble, speculate or take any risks with money.

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